Roller rink

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"Hey babe.. what are you doing?" Robby asked as he walked into my room
"Sam and i have this we do every month, we're we go to the roller rink, and today is 80's themed." I tell him
"Sounds fun but because with your ribs. They're still not fully healed."

"You should come baby. We never get to see each other this summer because you're always at karate."
"Did you tell your dad you'd help?"
"I did but I also said I'm thinking of doing karate and also until my ribs fully heal he doesn't want me to do anything that might cause me to hurt myself."
"But you should come skating, you could watch me, make sure I don't hurt myself again."
"Ugh how do always manage to convince me."
"Yay thanks baby. I love you."
"I love you too babe."

We made it to the rink and Robby held my hand

"Gotta say...I wasn't sure but about the costumes, but it's nice not to be getting glared at by your parents when I even do so much as to hold your hand."
"Yeah,except we're getting glared at from the 3rd wheel now." Robby laughs when I say that
"Hey I don't mind. You two don't really see each other much and I need my favourite couple in the world."
As a waitress passes by sam says "oh, excuse me. Can we get some menu's?"

"Well look who it is." As they turn around it was Tory. "Hey daisy."
"Hey Tor."
"Is this Robby" she said pointing towards him
"Yeh this is him"
"Babe how does she know me"
"We met at the beach club when I went to get a drink, I showed Aisha my tattoo and she asked about you." He nods his read and kisses my head
"I thought you guys were goals before I even saw you and now that I have I believe it more."
"Aww thanks tor." I gave her a hug.

Her and Sam go back and forth till Miguel comes over
I just heard Miguel say dig the costumes

"Thanks miggy."

They continue they're little spat type thing

"Come on, let's go get some skates." Robby says
"I'll catch you with you guys" I say
"Okay babe" he says before kissing me and walking of with Sam

I turn around to face Miguel
"What the fuck I though you still like Sam!" I whisper-shout
"There is a bit of feelings there." He says with a Sigh "But as well I really like Tory and i don't want to mess this up with her."
"And Sam likes you too. She never stopped. So you have to choose. You either have Sam or you have Tory. You can't have both."

I got up to leave him with his thought before waking over to Robby who had my skates "Thank you baby"I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"What we're you two talking about?
"Just having a chat no biggie baby, you know the only love I have is for you" I said as I kiss him
"You two ready?" Sam jumps in making us pull apart
"Yes, be patient, my child."
"How am I the child we are the same age."
"Not true I'm 5 minutes older"

Then something happens between sam, Miguel and Tory. Shocker!

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now