Movie day

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Today I'm hanging with my friends from Cobra Kai only because Robby is busy with his Karate stuff.

Half way through the film I wanted to fall asleep. Johnny told them all the watch it. Why. I have no clue it's awful.
"This movie is terrible guys. Your sensei has no taste in films."I say and half of them nod there head with me
"What are you talking about? It's great I love it."hawk says
"This movie is terrible guys. Your Hawk has no taste in films." I laugh and so does.. everyone apart from hawk.
"But she's not wrong it is pretty bad."
"Thank you." I look at hawk "see this guys gets it Hawkeye."
"No, you people are just wrong."Aisha said
"How are we wrong this movie is awful."
We have an argument for about 30 minutes

"Well, this is a great way to start the summer. Am I right?" Miguel jokes
"Oh,yeh. Totally, this is how I want to spend everyday of this summer."I joke back

"How's Sam?" He asks
"She's okay, I guess. One moment she's happy then the next she's sulking around."
"Again I'm an idiot." He threw his head back and let out a sigh.
"Hey, you two will work things out . I know it, I got powers."
He lets out a small laugh
"You're a good friend Daisy. Thank you."
"No problem."

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now