Having dinner

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I was sitting in my bedroom reading one of the harry potters when I hear my dad shout "Daisy, Your boyfriend is here!"
I ran down the stairs to see my dad standing by Robby.

"I'll leave you too." Dad said walking over to mom and Grammy
"Did you have fun?"I ask him as I give him a hug
"Yeah, it was alright. I wish you were there though."
"Aw, well aren't you sweet." I say rubbing our noses together

"Boyfriend?"I hear mom say
"Yes,Robby is her boyfriend."I heard Sam laugh to mom

"Hey Robby. You hungry? You want to stay for dinner?" Dad asked
"Uh yeh I guess thanks."Robby replies

We all walk outside and sit down at the table.
We all start talking about this exercise that involves a ... tree?
"You had to have fallen off more than once."
"Look I slipped once,but I caught myself and climbed back up, so it doesn't count."
"It totally counts as falling."
"Yeah, Daisy is right. I'm agreeing with her." Sam said. Always got my back sis
"She should be agreeing with me."
"Ok, I'm sorry babe." I said as I grab his hand
"Apology accepted."he said as he kissed my cheek

"You got to tell them about the handstand" Robby said to my dad
"I almost did it this time, I got this close." Dad says whilst holding his index and thumb very close together
"It was incredible" Robby said
"How much did he pay you to say that?"sam laughs out
"Oh don't start with that."
"I bet he payed you a bit." Sam said as she laughs "don't you agree, daisy?"
"Oh,yeah. Definitely."

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now