Grandma & No Cobra kia

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I was sitting on the couch texting Robby, whilst Sam is looking at photos of her and Miguel and Anthony was playing a game. Then we heard the doorbell.

"Grandma!" Anthony says as he goes to answer the door Sam following and me still texting robby

"Hey,cute. Give me a hug."

I stopped texting robby and went to say hi to my grandma "hey Grammy"

"Oh, Sammie,Daisy. When are you two gonna stop getting so pretty." I just laugh

They start talking about Cobra Kai when we go outside I only pay attention when I hear my name
"Oh,and Daisy. How are you after what happened?"
"I'm ok my leg is still pretty bruised but my cheek id fine and so is my ankle. And if it weren't for Robby I don't know what would have happened."
"That's good that the boy was there to protect you." Grandma says
They start talking about Cobra Kai again so I stopped paying attention and start thinking about Robby 

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now