The school fight

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The next morning I wake up cuddling with Robby and I cuddle closer and he holds me tighter.

Suddenly, we heard a smash and walk out to see our dads fighting,
A TV smashed on the floor.

"Guys stop"
They both turn to look at us
"Sam, daisy we are going home. Now!"
I turn to Robby
"Where's my dress baby"
"Hold on." He turns around to the room "here you go sweetheart."
"Ok I love you. See you later?"
"Yeh of course. I love you too"
I kiss him and walk out with my dad.

"Why did you guys stay with him last night?"
"We both got drunk last night, I was barely stable and daisy had fallen asleep in Robby arms, so we came here to stop ourselves getting in trouble."
"Yeh how did that work out" he looks at me through the mirror, only to see me glaring at him.
"You ok there dais?"
"No, you just kicked my boyfriend out of the house knowing his current living state. I was as drunk as ever I wasn't even conscious and Sam couldn't stand on her own. He was being a good boyfriend and a good friend. Sam said that we didn't want you too see us like that so he brought us here. He's a good person."
"He can't be a good person, his father is Johnny Lawerence."
He remains silent.

When school rolls around my dad parks right in front of the school
"Did you have to park right in front" Sam complains
"If you two wanted to drive yourselves, you wouldn't have done what you did." Dad said
"Oh, come on dad. That was my fault we stayed at Johnny's, don't blame daisy, she didn't even know what was happened. She was passed out in Robby's arms."
"Which means she is irresponsible because she was drunk."
"Alright whilst you guys insult me I'm gonna get the car so I don't have hear it." I said
"I'm coming too let's go." Sam said

We walk into school and go to my locker.
"Omg he's so annoying. Me trying not to get us yelled at ends up with us getting yelled at and you were passed out, so it's not like it's your fault."
"I don't know Sam all I know is that we are grounded and my head hurts."
"I thought you said you can handle your liquor."
"I can, I don't know what happened."

I was still at my locker but Sam went off to hers.I was looking for my geometry book when I hear a voice.
"Excuse me? I'm new to this school, can u help me find Miss Santino's class?"
I turn around to see Robby.
"Hey babe."
"Was he that mad?"
"He grounded me and called me irresponsible. I can handle my liquor I don't know what happened."
"Well it's over now, so don't stress ok sweetheart?"
"I have to tell you something. Do you know how Sam told you that Demetri found the Medal of Honor?" I nodded "Well Miguel gave it to me. And I put in the garden so someone would find it."
"You two seemed close I didn't want him to earn any points.I guess I felt insecure you would leave me for him."
"Baby. Your the one I love ok? I don't want anyone else."I kiss him
"I love you too."
"Yeh, you better."
He laughs " see there's that smile."

"Well I do feel better to get it off my chest."
The bell went off
"I love you."
"I love you too"
We kiss and separate

I walk to home room and see Eli and Miguel
"Dude, you kissed Sam? Nice."
"Does that mean you chose."
"No not nice I should have done that to Tory. And I-"
"Hold up. Did you just say you cheated on my best friend with my sister."
"Yeh but I didn't mean to. It just happened."
I didn't hear anything else I ran out of the class looking for Tory.
I found her
"Hey daisy."
"I know you want to beat up my sister for what she did."
"Yeh I don't wan-"
"No. I want to help. She might be my sister, but your my best friend and she hurt you."
She smiles at me. "Come on"
We run off to Counselor Blatt's office "would you like to do the honours."
"Gladly." I kick the door in.
Tory grabs the microphone from Counselor Blatt
"Samantha LaRusso. You know what you did, and now you're going to pay for it. I'm coming for you bitch!"
She grabs my hand and we run down the hall to find Sam. We see a big crowd of people and storm right up to middle. I walk over to Robby.
"Hey." I kiss him

"Robby-we-we need to get out of here!"
I grab his hand and we run out of the school and jump into a van and drive somewhere far away.

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now