A Party Where Nobody Dies This Time

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"Let's just get back to work," Noelle sighed.

"I have an idea!" Megami Raito announced over lunch that day. "We should hold a party to formally welcome all of our new arrivals. Fukase and Lily's gang attacking us disrupted things, so we weren't able to give them a proper welcome."

"Seems like a good idea," agreed Luka. "We haven't had a party in a while, anyways, what with the whole draemon issue and all. It would be nice to relax and just enjoy the evening!"

"I agree with what Luka said," said Gumi. "We haven't been able to anything fun in, like, forever."

"Having a party would also be a nice way to welcome Spamton back after he returns from delivering the supplies," Kris chimed in.

"Sure, I guess," Luka said.

"If we want to have the party tonight, we need to start preparing now," Selene piped up.

"I'll make a banner for the ballroom entrance so they can see it when they walk in!" said Angie, the tan Ultimate with the white hair who the group had seen on their first day at the castle. "I'm the Ultimate Artist, after all! Making a banner should be an easy task!"

"Omori, Tohru, and I can make the food," Hero added. "And Teruteru too, since he's the Ultimate Chef."

"I'll help Angie out with the rest of the decorations," Basil said.

"I can help too!" Selene said.

"Me, Megami Raito, Gumi, Yohio, Maika, Nekomura, Calne Ca, and IA will be in charge of the music," declared Luka.

"Let's get the preparations started, then!" Selene cheered.

Everyone went off in their separate directions and began to set up for the party.

"Whew," said Basil, wiping his brow. He, Selene, and Angie had been hard at work making decorations for the past few hours, with Silverstream helping put them up in places that the others could not reach due to being unable to fly.

"Looking good, guys!" Hero smiled as he walked in.

"How's the cooking going?" asked Selene.

"It's going well," he answered. "Nise Tsuki thought we should serve something alcoholic for the older guests in addition to the punch, so Miss Kobayashi got some wine. Sonia showed us a few cookie recipes from her country...honestly, they're pretty good! You should try one." He handed a small sugar cookie to Selene, who bit into it happily.

"We've got our songs all ready," announced Yohio as he and the rest of the Vocaloids, along with Kris, joined the group.

"Awesome," Selene said, finishing her cookie.

"Are we almost ready?" Basil inquired.

"We should wait until Spamton gets back," Kris spoke up. "It wouldn't be fair to start without him. This party is for all of the newcomers. And that includes him."

"Fair point," Basil conceded.

Fortunately, at that very moment, there was a knock on the front doors of the castle, and Kris rushed out of the room excitedly.

"You're back! I missed you so much!" they exclaimed, hugging Spamton tightly and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you too, [[angel]]," he said, kissing them back.

"I'm so glad you're safe...I was worried about you," Kris said, kissing him again.

"Uh...I hate to kill the moment, but since he's here, shouldn't we start the party?" Susie piped up as she entered the room, Selene following behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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