A Party Where Nobody Dies This Time

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As the days went on, the others slowly grew more used to Spamton's presence. The day of his first trip to deliver supplies to the princesses came, and although almost everyone at least tolerated him by now, with the exceptions of Miu and Hajime, many were relieved to get a break from him. Kris, obviously, was not one of those.

"Please stay safe," they begged, hugging Spamton close as Lucoa, Ilulu and Megami Raito prepared the portal.

"I will, [[angel]]," he promised, gently petting their hair.

"Alright, you lovebirds," Ilulu said in a somewhat irritated tone. "Spamton, get in the portal. Kris, he'll be back tonight. Just be patient and try not to worry so much. You two can make out all you want when he returns...just as long as I don't have to see it, that is."

"Ilulu! Don't be so rude!" Megami Raito chastised her. "Kris has every right to worry. We're dealing with draemons here!"

"Doesn't mean they need to be all lovey-dovey in front of me," Ilulu retorted. "I haven't even had breakfast yet and I already feel like I'm gonna be sick."

"Ilulu, stop acting like a child. Megami Raito, calm down and don't argue with her. Spamton, get in the portal. And Kris, go help Omori and Tohru with the cleaning," Lucoa interrupted, breaking up the argument.

Spamton and Kris reluctantly broke apart, Spamton bending down to give the tall human one last kiss before he left.

"Love you," Kris said.

"I love you too," Spamton replied, and then he disappeared.

The day passed as normal, but for Kris it felt like years. They wished they could've followed Ilulu's advice and not have worried, but it was impossible. They could barely concentrate on cleaning, and after the third dish dropped on the floor, Tohru eventually relieved them of their duty.

"You seem stressed," she said. "Why don't you go play a game with your friends or go outside for a bit? Basil, Sonia, and Noelle are working in the gardens, and they could use some help. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you."

Kris went outside, where, sure enough, the trio was gathered.

"Salutations, friend!" Sonia said, waving with one hand while she tugged at a particularly stubborn weed with the other. She was one of the Ultimates, having the title of Ultimate Princess, and had the good looks to match, with long, wavy blonde hair and greyish-blue eyes. Despite her royal upbringing, she was good-natured and never acted like she was better than the others, and got along with almost everyone.

"Hi, Kris!" said Noelle. "Did Tohru send you?"

Kris nodded. "Yeah. She thought being outside would help me calm down a bit."

"It always helps me," Basil agreed. "I love flowers...especially tulips...they remind me of Sunny, hehe..."

"Can it, ya lame-o," Aubrey said crossly as she came outside.

"What are you doing here?" asked Noelle.

"Why are you even out here if you're gonna be a total ass?" agreed Kris. "Nobody is forcing you to come outside."

"I...may or may not have tried to kill a fly with my bat and may or may not have broken a very expensive vase in the process," Aubrey admitted. "So Piko sent me out here to work and, like, think about what I did or whatever."

Basil facepalmed. "Aubrey, why would you try to kill a fly with your bat?! Come to think of it, why would you even bring your bat inside in the first place?"

"Kris is allowed to have their sword inside!" Aubrey argued.

"I don't go swinging it around like a maniac!" Kris retorted.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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