Broken Hearts

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The next day was "pretty chill," in Gallus's words, even though the events of the previous one had been frightening. After lunch, the Vocaloids invited Kanna, Saikawa, Selene, Elma, Ilulu, the friendship students, Kris, Noelle, Ralsei, and Susie to listen to a few songs and tell them what they thought. Everyone agreed, and they went into the auditorium, since there were too many people to fit in someone's dorm.

Elma, Ilulu, Kanna, Saikawa, and Selene sat in a small group. Kris and Ralsei sat together, and so did Noelle and Susie.

"Want to sit by me?" Flower asked Fukase after the songs were over, pulling out a bag of candy. Everyone was hanging out since there wasn't much else to do, and the auditorium seemed like as good a place as any.

But Fukase didn't answer. Instead, he sat next to Kaito. Flower shrugged. It was probably nothing. She sat next to Miku.

"Let's dance!" Len suggested. Everyone agreed, and soon, everyone was on their feet, dancing and singing, Miku leading them in each song.

But every song, Fukase would dance with Kaito. The two boys didn't even glance at Flower or Miku.

Flower felt devastated. She loved Fukase, and it felt like her whole life was crashing down. Every bad feeling was swirling around in her mind at once like a hurricane. She wanted to cry. She wanted to hide away and sob, but, at the same time, she wanted to yell at Fukase. She wanted him to know exactly how horrible she felt. She wanted revenge.

"Hey, Fukase," Flower asked when the group was returning to classes. "Why didn't you dance with me?" She was struggling not to betray her anger just yet. She was waiting for the right moment, the exact time to tell Fukase her feelings, every thought in her head, and get the satisfaction of knowing that she had made the man who ruined her life cry.

"Kaito asked me to dance with him," Fukase answered.

"I'm your girlfriend!" Flower shrieked. "You should've danced with me!"

"So, what was I supposed to do, walk away and leave him just standing there while everyone else was dancing?" Fukase retorted. "Being your boyfriend doesn't mean that I only have to hang out with you! I'm allowed to have friends, aren't I?"

"No!" Flower cried. "You're supposed to pay attention to me!"

"I only danced with Kaito so he didn't feel left out," Fukase shot back.

"You hate me!" Flower shrieked.

"Well, if you want me to exclude somebody just so I dance with you and only with you because of your silly little notion that if I even go near somebody else, I'm a cheating jerk, then, yeah, I do hate you, Flower," Fukase snapped. "I'm sad that this has to happen, since you seemed really nice up until now, but I don't like how jealous you're getting."

"Fine, then! I can find a hundred boys in any dimension better than you! A thousand! You're a horrible person!" Flower wailed, makeup running down her face. She ran to the girls' bathroom, sobbing.

Fukase sighed. Were his actions wrong? Flower seemed so upset...but Kaito was so nice...and Fukase felt more in love with Kaito than he had ever felt in love with Flower. He knew that he had broken Flower's heart, but at the same time, she was acting so controlling...Fukase was confused, and upset. He ran to his dorm room.

"Are you okay, Fukase?" Kaito asked, walking in. He had heard Fukase and Flower shouting, but he hadn't heard what they were saying.

"Flower was being jealous, and she blamed me for everything and told me to not have friends, and I snapped at her and now I feel guilty, and I don't know what to do!" Fukase sobbed.

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