After the elevator door had opened i cluadia standing and i walked up to her and their was an suv waiting for us so we opened the door and I turned atlas stroller back into a car seat and buckled it up with the seatbelt and i went into the back to seat with while Claudia sat across from atlas.

Before we went shopping we went to a plant based café , then i asked the driver to take us to buy buy baby so i got atlas car seat out and we walked inside the store and got a shopping cart .

Then i posted a picture i took of atlas to this morning on instagram

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billieeilish someone didn't like tummy time so we had to do playtime instead .

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Claudia said "what do you need to get"

i said " i need to get atlas some more clothes and necessities for her.

we reached in the baby aisle and i got her some more toys, a pack n play, more pacifiers, more swaddles, more clothes cause she was getting to big for then and more burp rags.

Then i went to the nursing and feeding aisle and i got to breast pump a electric and a hand breast pump ,nursing pads,milk storage bags ,and and few bottles for atlas to try.

When we were done i went to the check out and paid about fifteen hundreds dollars then we left the store and met the driver and I helped him pack the bags into the trunk and claudia went and atals buckled into the car and we headed back to the hotel.

When we reached to the hotel my dad and my brother came down and helped me with the bags and then we headed up to my hotel room , where claudia got atlas out of her car seat then lay her down on the bed and i went to unpack the bags and set up her pack n play.

After I was finished i looked at the time an it was around 1:20 pm so it was about atlas nap time so I went and changed her diaper and put her into a sleeper then i went and nursed her on the couch and when she was finished i went and swaddled her up then i gave her a pacifier and i rocked her then put her In her pack n play.

A/N hope you like this chapter it is so long and I'm so sorry that it took so long and please comment and vote if you want.

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