✧Nie Huaisang- Misinterpreted ✧

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A/N- My man is so cute when I saw pictures of him I started squealing like a mouse lmao. I just can't handle the way he just IS. Like his very existence is a blessing. I love him.

YOU WEREN'T KNOWN for being a very gentle person. But when it came to your husband, Nie Huaisang, you were a total softie. At least, you were now. It had taken months of marriage for you to realize how to be kind to him.

When you had met him, you had been harsh like you were everyone else. But what you didn't realize was that he was shy and sensitive, and he didn't take being spoken to loudly and harshly well. How you learned that was a way you would never forget.

You had just had a huge fight with him. It wasn't even for anything important, just banquet planning. After the fight, he had ran to the nearest bar with his friends Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, not quitting drinking until he was too drunk to speak much but slurred, incoherent words.

The two Yunmeng siblings, who weren't as drunk, brought Huaisang home where you were waiting for him, feeling rather apologetic for making him run away. But when you saw that he was drunk, you got angry again, and you wouldn't let the three friends in.

"Lady Nie, please! Do you want your husband to freeze to death outside?" Wuxian hollered through the door.

"What about us?" Jiang Cheng wailed. "Do you want us to die?"

"If it meant I wouldn't have to deal with your whining, then yes!" you responded.

You heard a soft whimper, then heard your husband bursting into tears. Your heart was cold, but your husband being in pain warmed it, making it pliable and able to be manipulated.

"Why are you crying, A-Sang?" you asked him through the door.

"V'ry cold..." Huaisang whimpered. " 'N v'ry 'lone... so 'lone."

You opened the door immediately after hearing that, your heart melted by the cuteness and sadness of your husband. As soon as the door was opened, Huaisang collapsed to the floor in a faint, and you cried out in shock to catch him.
The Yunmeng brothers helped you bring him over to your bed, and then they went with you to guest bedrooms where they would sleep for the night so they didn't have to march through the frigid darkness.

When you returned to your room ten minutes later, Huaisang hadn't regained consciousness yet. You figured that a mix of the cold and too much alcohol had gotten him to faint. You gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek- possibly the first gentle thing you had done to him- and laid down next to him to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up bright and early to Huaisang crying again. Once again, your heart was concerned, and you sat up to grab ahold of his shoulders to try and steady him. He leaned his wet cheek against your hand, and you shook your head with a sigh, expressing how regretful you were that he felt this way.

"Why are you crying, A-Sang?" you asked.

The answer broke your heart.

"Y-you don't love me. I-I-I'm sorry... I'll be be-better in the f-future.."

"A-Sang... did you take my harshness for hatred?" you asked, trying hard to not cry at seeing the man you loved in pain.

His eyes widened in shock and realization at your words.  He met your eyes with his beautiful brown ones and choked out his revelation.

"Y-you don't h-hate me? R-really?"

"Aww, A-Sang," you said, giving him another kiss, but on the lips this time. "I could never hate you. You're too precious for that. My precious husband."

Huaisang started to cry again, but this time it was happy tears he was crying. He buried his head in your chest and let you stroke his hair and whisper sweet nothings in his ears the rest of the morning.

And that was how you learned to be soft with your husband.

But with everyone else... That time would never come.

✧𝔻𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ~ 𝒶𝓃𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃~✧Where stories live. Discover now