"Why are you storming in here? Where's your mama?" "I gotta teeteeeee," Niyah whined as she squirmed, waiting for her daddy to move out the way. Huffing, Derrick washed his hands as he watched her pulled her pajamas and yank her pamper off. Helping her onto the toilet, he kept an eye on her making sure she didn't fall back into it. "All done." "You sure?" "Mmhmm." While he helped her, Mel waltzed inside, heading straight for the bath. Niyah jumping from Derrick's arms and heading straight to Mel. This was another reason Derrick wanted another baby. He wanted a mini me under him too.

Letting mother and daughter have time for themselves, he headed downstairs to whip up some breakfast before they headed to work. As soon as they sat down to eat, Mel's phone rang. "Ugh. Fucking Brenda," Mel murmured as she answered. "Hello?" She said as she put the phone on speaker. "Melinda........" "Brenda......." Silence passed before they heard a heavy breath. Mel shook her head. Of course she read it. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL USSS!?" "I know I told you and June not to read my book." "You think we aren't going to support you!?"

"You could've bought it and not read it," Derrick blankly stared at his wife knowing damn well that would never happen. "Melinda seriously. Why didn't you tell us things were that bad?" "I was already a fuck up to you guys. I couldn't....... I just couldn't okay?" Working on not being a bitch all the time, Brenda took a second to gather her words. "Although it was......... it was gut wrenching to read, I've never more proud of you. The way you captured every moment so vividly yet somehow still hidden was amazing Mel. I'm sorry I wasn't the best sister to you. If I was more willing to hear you back then, then maybe you would've been able to tell us sooner."

Derrick and Mel stared at the phone. Was this Brenda? "I ummmm thank you?" "Sounded weird huh? I know it tasted weird but I mean it. I'm very proud of you Mel. You might want to call and check on June though. Casey said she ain't stopped crying since she read it." "Why did yall have to read itttttt? I knew yall were going to do this." "You are our baby sister and a damn author. We are going to read eveything attached to your name. Good bad and ugly." "So I can write about you?" "Not a chance in hell."

"Oh boo. Fine I'll call June after I eat. Thank you for supporting me Brenda. It means so much to me." "Always Mel. I love you." "I love you too." Hanging up, Mel smiled to herself. "That was a pleasant conversation if I have ever heard one between you two." "Don't..." Derrick chuckled leaving her alone. The two headed to the office as June gave her blubbering version of praise. "Are you going to stop crying at some point?" "Uh shut up Mellie. My baby sister is so damn talented with a pen!" Mel couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Okay okay I'm done. I gotta get to work before Bre calls. Ugh look at my baby sister doing big things out here in these streets! Okay bye Mel love you!" "I love you too Junie," Mel said with a giggle. Sighing she looked to the left at Derrick laughing to himself. "You're not going to let me live are you?" "I haven't said a single word." She hummed as he parked the car. Getting out, she got Niyah out of the back seat. Grabbing her backpack and his briefcase, Derrick draped his arm over Mel's shoulder, a kiss placed on her forehead as she leaned into him. Walking inside, they were greeted by the receptionists.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Collins. Good morning Miss Saniyah." "Good morning," the little one replied, followed by her parents. Getting on the elevator, Niyah stood in between both of her parents, holding their hands as she counted the numbers going up. Getting to the 6th floor, the 3 stepped off, heading straight for the day care. While Derrick hung up Niyah's backpack, Mel bent down to have a quick talk with her. "We're going to have a good day today right?" "Yes mama." "And that is because fear has what?" "No room here."

"That's my big girl. Give me a kiss." Niyah tossed her arms around Mel's neck and gave her a big kiss before rushing over to Derrick giggling loudly as he scooped her up, peppering her with goodbye kisses. "Bye mommy bye daddy. Hi Mya! BENNNNN!!!" the little one rushed over. Heading upstairs, Mel and Derrick shared a kiss before starting their busy day. By 12 Mel was so focused on the tasks at hand she didn't see Derrick's note about getting lunch. "Mellie," she heard over the intercom. "Yessssssss," she answered, her eyes not leaving the computer.

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