Chapter 2

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Unfortunately Lauren get disoriented at the next street corner and she feel a hand on her sleeve. Lauren know its her even before she says, "Lauren, don't think you'll get away without saying Hi."

Lauren put on a smile and turn around. She did something else that comes easily: lie, "You looked busy, I didn't want to interrupt."

"Nonsense Lauren," she grins and Lauren's knees go weak, "What are you doing here? Are you busy? Do you have time for coffee or a drink or something?"

Lauren chuckle because she's still adorable when she babbles. "I have time."

Lauren find herself sitting in a crowded, yet quiet bar a few blocks away nursing a Cosmo and recounting her horrifically mundane existence in the smallest amount of time possible.

"Have you kept up with anyone from McKinley?" she asked, leaning forward. Lauren can smell her perfume and she take a moment to just let it engulf her, "Besides Luis of course."

Lauren nod. She kept up with everyone because she chose to live in the past when the present and future are the same as they were last week, "Zayn is a roofer in Miami, still single and hangs out at my house way too much." Camila smiles and Lauren's insides melt, "Normani is in Med School at Columbia."

"Here?" Camila's eyes widened. Lauren missed her reactions and her overreactions.

Lauren nod, "She just moved here from California where she got her undergrad."

"What about Dinah?" Camila asked, sipping her drink, "I've seen her around at auditions and industry parties. What's she up to?"

"She's a choreographer," Lauren answer, running her finger over the rim of her glass, "Right now she's super busy with a show that's about to make it's Broadway debut."

"That's so awesome for her," Lauren notice how Camila is eagerly investing in this conversation and she's over the moon about it, "Does she and Normani know they live in the same city?"

"They live in the same apartment. In the same bed." Lauren smirk, thinking about what they're doing now in said bed.

Camila giggled, "I knew it! For how long?"

"Uh not quite a year. They were out of touch for a while before Normani got into Columbia and needed somewhere to stay. From what I hear they were roommates for a while before they were friends again and it's not like they could ever be just friends." Lauren leaned on the table and take a mental survey of Camila's face in case she never see her again, which she know is a real possibility.

Camila let out a dreamy smile that she used to have when thinking about Broadway in high school. "That's so romantic. I wish I would have ended up with someone from high school. Not like immediately after high school because you're right I would have ended up," she eyes Lauren because she's trying to find a tactful way to say Miami loser.

So Lauren just come out and say it. "A Miami loser," Lauren shrug. She know that's what she is and accepted it a long time ago. She's not happy about it but the label doesn't bother her anymore.

Camila reaches across the table and puts her hand on Lauren's. She unknowingly sets her whole body on fire by the small touch. "From what you've told me, you're successful. You aren't a loser, Lauren."

Lauren smile softly to humor her but know that she is in fact a Miami loser who hates her job, her marriage and her life.

Camila must have seen the embarrassment in Lauren's face because she changes the subject, "How's it going with Luis?"

Lauren's eyes find the table and run along the grains trying to gather herself up enough to put on a convincing front. She feel guilty for stealing Luis away from her although it was for her own good and Lauren feel guilty that she kept him on the hook for this long when neither one of them has been happy in a really long time.

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