Chapter 1(robbery)

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Ay, I updated my other story and my back to updating here

Also, I have a schedule to when I post now

It's just in the predicament can be on Mondays and this one can be on Tuesdays

Warning: existential crisis

Time skip to the present

Tommy was getting tired of living, he tried so many things to rid himself of his immortality

He lived so long to see his friends died off

Know Tommy's just alone in this word

He took the customers groceries and scanning them

He was currently a cashier this time and his name was Tommy this time as well

He was fortunate enough to have gain a shape-shifting ability

It was probably a gift from XD,

Tommy didn't know the masked man names so he gave him a name a while ago

The guy probably felt bad for him or something,

He would've too, if he saw someone with the same situation as him

Although, Tommy friends have all died, they were mortals after all

That doesn't mean he doesn't have any immortal friends

He had Eryn

But Eryn likes to keep himself away from any mortals unlike Tommy

Tommy just never learns

He always befriend a mortal whenever he was awake

But he's always awake

"Have a nice day" Tomny finished checking the last item at the end of his shift

He watched the man grabbed his shit loads of condoms and shoving it into his bag

The man smirked, looking very proud of himself for getting a girl

'I get plenty of girls too' Tommy thought, and that was true

He was a well known Heartbreaker that one time

Tommy watched was the man walked out of the convenience store

Tommy some times wonders why he needed money, since he didn't need to eat

But Tommy always retracted that idea after realizing he needed to pay rent

Tommy sighs and dropped his smile

He look out the window

Resting his elbow on the counter and his head on his palm

Tommy missed his family

He doesn't remember what they look like anymore

Tommy doesn't have good memories, he's quite forgetful

He realize what he was thinking and slap himself

"Stop thinking like an old man" Tommy scold himself

Just then the door open

"Welcome" Tommy smiled and greeted the guy

The man pull out a knife and aim for Tommy's throat

"Give me the money" the man sounded like he was on drugs

"Sorry, sir we don't have that here" The man stare at Tommy baffled at what he heard

Tommy took the chance and pulled an uno reverse card on him

Tommy grab the knife out of his hand and place it on the guy's neck

"My apologies, sir, but can you take your leave, we don't take expired milk" tommy said that with a smile

The man trembled and ran out of the store

Tommy sighs and took the knife under the counter

"That'll be another 12 attempts at robbery this week"


I feel confuse just by writing this

I wonder what it's like to actually read this

Word count: 521

A Strange Dilemma [Immortal Tommy](FUCK THE REWRITE) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon