Chapter 3(tommy's not rich)

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Alright, just screw the schedule

I'm making another chapter however I want


Tommy and Tubbo arrived at Tommy's house

They enter the one bedroom apartment and Tubbo immediately jump on Tommy's couch

Tommy wasn't rich but he was wealthy, considering how much gold he store in a vault in his room

So Tommy had a nice couch and a rather nice looking TV and bed

"How can you afford this much if your working everywhere?" Tubbo asked, looking up from the couch

"Idk, I save maybe?" Tommy teased his friend,

Tubbo pouted "try living with another person"

Tommy laughed "Hey, you chose him over me" Tommy cross his arms

"I didn't know you were rich" Tubbo turn away from Tommy and grab the remote from the coffee table

"I'm not that rich" Tommy walk over to the couch and sit next to Tubbo

"Says the guy that bought another TV after Ranboo broke the other one" Tubbo paused

"Not to mention that time you went and buy food for the whole building" Tubbo nudge Tommy a bit to the side

"It wasn't a big deal and not to mention, everyone was starving, how could I not?" Tubbo gave Tommy a look and reply

"You're too nice, Tommy" Tubbo look down on the remote in his hand

"I'm not....." Tommy mumbled,

"Now come on wheres your game controller?" Tubbo look around shuffling the books from under Tommy's coffee table

Tommy got up and reach over to a cabinet under the TV

"Over here" Tommy got the controllers out and wave it in the air

"Catch" Tommy threw one of the controllers at Tubbo

Tubbo catches it and yelled "HEY!"

Tommy chuckled and flopped on the couch

They both ended up playing the game to 4 am

Tommy's phone alarm rang and they both jumped

"Sorry, that's mine" Tommy grab the phone from his pocket and stop the clock

"Aww man, I wanted to play more" Tubbo wined and pouted

"We need to go, it's our job and bad don't like us being late" Tommy grab Tubbo by the arm and guided him outside

"Now go get ready and I'll wait by the stairs" Tommy shuushed Tubbo away and close the door

Tommy went into his room and put on a white T-shirt, and walk out

He grab the backpack he discarded last night and went into the bathroom

He brushed his teeth and headed out,

He was opening his door halfway when he remembered his key was still inside

He quickly ran to his living area and grab the key

He made it to the stairs and waited for Tubbo and Ranboo,

About 3 minutes passed, Tubbo and Ranboo showed up

Tubbo was dragging the masked boy, and Ranboo seems very tired

"You alright, Ranboo?" Tommy ask concerned for his neighbor

"Yep, just the place I worked at last night wanted me to teleport a bunch of stuff" Ranboo reply rubbing his eyes

Ranboo and Tubbos powers work together very well, but their down side is the opposite of each other

While Tubbo wouldn't be able to fall asleep, Ranboo will feel very drowsy

"Come on, then we're going to be late" Tommy gestured opening and holding the door for the other two

"Thanks, boss man" Tubbo smiled and dragged Ranboo into the door

"It's fine" Tommy reassured

After the two enter the door, Tommy enter as well, not forgetting to close the door behind him



Word count: 580

A Strange Dilemma [Immortal Tommy](FUCK THE REWRITE) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu