Chapter 12: Trustworth

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—Great -She opened the door.

When she went back to the main room, everyone except for Lilly were already there and walking in circles.


—Great. Now that everyone that should be here, except for Lilly, already is, we must show these two the video and then think.

—What video?

—This one -He started playing it so that they could see.

After 1 minute, everyone and probably half the city had seen it, and Lilly had arrived at the Junk Yard.

As she was entering, Jessy and Cleo went in her direction while Vanysh was staring from far not to slap Lilly.

—Are you nuts Lilly?

—I did what I had to do. -She entered the shop and started to look at Vanysh

—You are a bitch. A insane, very creative bitch.

—I am speechless right now.

—You accused me of doing absurd things without any proof, and on top of that you leaked my number? -She started losing control again.

—I told you that you should've heard me.

The way Vanysh turned and looked back at Lilly said what was going to happen already, but before she could get close to her, Cleo put herself in front of them.

—Do you even know what It means for Vanysh, Lilly?
—What kind of consequences these accusations may have? -She started making hand gestures

—Is it true, Lilly?
—Vanysh and this hacker are behind her disappearence?

Vanysh looked at him with even more anger.

—"Is it true, Lilly?" -She imitated his voice with sassness.
—Of course it isn't true, Thomas. When will you wake up to reality and stop believing this Karen?

—Don't you dare to call me-

—Shut up -Vanysh interrupted straight away.

—It's impossible that you don't see how suspicious Vanysh and Jake are!

In that moment the anger died. It died because of the dispair Vanysh felt when she heard Lilly say his name, making her skin go as white as it could.

"How does she know? That means..."

—Who the hell is Jake? -Dan, that apparently was in a video call with Jessy the entire time because he didn't want to lose anything again, asked.

Vanysh knew that the shit had already been spread and denying it wouldn't solve the problem.

—The hacker...

—The hacker's name is Jake?

—No clue.

—You see?
—It's impossible that someone, who is trying to hide his identity, is just trying to help!

Vanysh started breathing heavly and walked at Lilly's direction.

—Has your brilliant little brain thought that we have literally no reason to kidnapp your sister?
—Besides, why the fuck would I try to be one of you guys? It would be just too obvious.

—I don't know. You two are machiavellian.

Vanysh started losing it again and went even closer to Lilly.

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