Chapter 16: DRAKE

En başından başla

It may not give you the decisive rush when you feel your own body rise from the "dead" and share a humane moment of being human—a sip of refreshment and life.

I tilt my body by an inch to stare at her sleeping body still nuzzled in the cover.

I frown.


I don't recall her taking a blue strapped cover from the bunch I put away in a corner for her.

She must've awoken during the night to fetch herself another blanket to warm up her fragile frame.

How I missed it, was unusual.

I shake it off and sip on the drink, before putting it down on my desk and walking into my walk-in closet.

I'll be heading out for the day, meeting with some friends to discuss the hybrid attacks along with the Lord and his son.

Oldest son.


After dressing into more professional clothing, I walk out of my closet while tying a tie.

Feeling satisfied, I plonk down onto my chair and reached out for my drink, bringing the cup close to take another sip.

I twirl in my chair to rest my eyes on Rosey, debating whether to wait till she awakens and put on the collar, or wait till I return and then put it on.

She had a lot of freedom without the thing, but I'm skeptical that she might get ideas and try bounding with her wolf again.

Then I will have no choice but to hand her over to the labs.

Another experiment.

However, I still do wish her presence. Wish her blood.

She's replaceable, but there aren't many pets that could point out orders and a no to-do list.

She never tries anything if she knows it would upset me. Whereas pets would assume you'll not realize, or brush it off if it's minor.

The thought alone that they think they could get away with it irritates me.

Besides, I find enjoyment in her silence.

It could get irritating if someone can't stop their bubbling. Become infuriating.

My attention shifts when there was a knock on the door.

I put my cup down and stood up, walking towards my door.

I open it, only enough for my body to fit.

I trail my eyes down to stare at a slave, my brows furrowing when endless fear paled his features.

"Can I help you?" I ask, bitterly.

"So-sorry," he clears his throat, gathering his confidence to speak smoothly, "Sorry for bothering you, sir, but the Lord requests your presence urgently."

"Is it about the gathering?" I ask, tilting my body to glance at my clock.

I still had an hour to finish.

"Why so urgent?" I grit.

I watch his confidence drain and the fear of the unknown trembling his being and paling his skin tone.

"Th-the Lord would-wouldn't sa-say only said t-to let s-s-sir know about hi-his urgent re-request," he bubbles, his endless stuttering causing a headache.

Rosey's is much less annoying.

"Very well," I sigh, "I'll be there in ten minutes."

He nods, bowing his head in respect before walking off.

I watch his figure retreat before closing the door and approaching Rosey's sleeping figure.

How she was still asleep after everything was a miracle. Probably.

Exhausted, yes, traumatized, could be.

Maybe she felt safe here?

"Rosey," I call out sternly, watching her lids pinch tighter before fluttering open.

Pets aren't deep sleepers, and honestly, we should never expect any to be.

She stares into space, her brows knit in confusion and her lids hanging heavy.

She was still tired.

"Rosey," I call out softly, watching her eyes shift to mine and widen in realization.

"I need to put on the collar," I explain urgently, watching her face fall into utter misery.

"Come on now, I'm in a hurry," I rush, walking to my desk.

I open a drawer where an extra pair of collars were put and grab one, shutting the drawer and approaching her dazed stance.

I gently wrap my hand around her arm, the contact causing her to flinch and drain any sort of tiredness by a sudden fear.

I frown.

"Do you still wish to go to the garden?" I ask, pressing a tiny, red button on the collar that unlocked the clasps, my hands opening it further so that her neck could fit.

Her dazed eyes stare into mine, while I fixed my attention on putting on the collar.

Her hiss of pain made my hands freeze, our eyes locking and staring into one another's eyes.

There was a silent plea and a screaming frustration that whirled like an ocean in her eyes, the icy blue darkening into a dark storm where the waters never settle.

Her discomfort suffocated the air around me, along with the intense fear when anything with fangs neared at her.

Tears sprung to her eyes when the click was heard, the unknown pain I don't know how it's felt agonizing her petite body.

She pinches her lids before backing away from me, heading back to her spot.

I see her stare at the table where her art supplies were put away, the debate whether to go and draw or stay put until I leave.

She chose the latter, as her eyes moved to the platter filled with food.

She was hungry.

"I'll be heading out now. The food I got is there on the coffee table. Eat as much as you please," I assure, fastening my tie and snatching the stack of paper that has notes on it.

I grip the doorknob, glancing at her to see she was settled on the couch in front of the coffee table and eating on berries.

I turn the knob and opened the door, stepping outside and closing the door behind me.

The moment I heard the click, I was satisfied as I walk down the hallway.


A short update❤❤

Thank you again to the readers that stick with me❤❤

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