"Well, while you were busy doing God knows what, I was busy following Liam around." Adelaide confessed. She handed her phone to Emma and there were some pictures on it. Pictures of Liam meeting up with Damien on different occasions.
Emma was so caught up in getting back together with Marcus that she completely forgot about Liam and finding out if he was okay. Guilt was starting to set in.

"They met up today during lunch again, and he sometimes hands Liam a package. AKA drugs." Adelaide said.

Emma did not know what to say. Damien was dating Aunt Martina and if he was doing something shady, it would break her. The woman already lost her deli.

"I'm taking these pictures to my dad so he can investigate this guy." Adelaide stated.

"No wait." Emma opposed, she had to think quickly to avoid this from getting out. "This guy is my aunt's friend, I can talk to him and find out what is going on."
She did not want to drop a bomb that would break her aunt's heart yet. Emma was hoping Damien had a valid explanation.

"You want to talk to a possible drug dealer?" Adelaide asked with raised eyebrows.

"Just trust me?" Emma requested. She silently prayed that Adelaide should agree.

"Okay. But if this guy is hurting Liam, he has to go." She decided.

"I hear you." Emma mumbled.

"Good." Adelaide said. She took her phone and walked off.

Emma ran a hand through her hair. She was disappointed that Damien was involved in this but she should've figured it out. Liam was doing illegal racing for him so there could be other shady things going on.
She decided to call her aunt.

"Hello." Aunt Martina picked up after a few rings.

"Hi zia... how are you?" Emma asked.

"Fine, just busy sorting out papers for the deli in town. Is everything okay?" Aunt Martina asked.

"Yeah, Emmett just left a sweater at your place and I thought I could pick it up." Emma said. She needed a reason to go to her aunt's house and see Damien.

"You can, Damien is at home." Aunt Martina responded.

That was all Emma needed to hear. She wanted to make sure that Damien was home alone so she could confront him.
"Okay thanks." She said. "Love you."


After picking Emmett up from school, Emma drove to her aunt's house.
Damien greeted her and her brother warmly. Deacon and Emmett soon went upstairs to play.

"I wasn't expecting you guys, I would've made lunch." Damien said, as he walked into the living room. "You aunt will be back soon so just make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks but... I'm here to talk to you actually." Emma stated. She didn't sit.
"Is Liam selling drugs for you?" She asked wasting no time. Normally she would've been scared to accuse someone of something so crazy but Adelaide would not hesitate in trying to help Liam out of this, and that would mean telling the mayor.

Damien's head whipped in her direction. He got up from the couch.

"Before you even try lying about this, someone has pictures of you meeting up with Liam, giving him weird packages." Emma further said.

Damien pressed his lips into a thin line.

"So it is true?" Emma asked in horror. "Oh my God, what is wrong with you?"
She thought she would have been prepared for the truth but she wasn't. She did not want Liam to get himself hurt or worse.

Summerville: Book 3 of the Saving Summers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now