Chapter 14: Bittersweet

Start from the beginning

I looked at Tintin to read his eyes. If he were worried, then I certainly would be. Yet I couldn't tell to be honest since he was never really surprised by anything dangerous.

"Can't this machine go any faster?!" Uncle Isaac asked Kadron irritatedly.

"Not an issue... I'd rather manage this so we're in one piece!" Kadron replied with quiet agitation.

Hearing this, I grew scared... and...


Kadron's eyes darted like a stealthy cat in the mirror, looking in the mirrors and oit the windows without so much as moving his head. I did the same until he relaxed, but then he seemed to see something that we didn't.

"MS.-" he exclaimed at me.

Suddenly, the strange 'whir' sound grew louder and louder until something crashed through my door, shattering it into billions of pieces. I gasped as the Captain forced me against the back of the seat. The object flew past us and smashed through Tintin's door, getting lost in the fog.

"What in the blazes!!" Uncle exclaimed.

"(Y/N)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Tintin asked.

I was too stunned to answer. There was a searing pain on my left cheek from a glass cut. I looked away from the others and touched it, feeling an immense amount of blood dripping down. It must've been an ugly gash because everyone seemed to freak out even more.

Uncle Isaac gesticulated in our pilot's general direction with anger.

"Get us out of here immediately!" he thundered.

"What. Do you think. I. Am. Doing?!" Kadron growled.

The lighting and thunder intensified severely. That strange roaring became so loud I felt I would lose my hearing. Another flying object flew through the broken door, briefly stuck behind the frame. My heart skipped a beat. I knew what the things were: they were giant balls of ice!

So it wasn't rain we heard clattering against the helicopter, but hail! It seemed we had flown straight through a hailstorm that was passing by the private island. And if that wasn't bad enough, the lightning was flashing consistently all around. I didn't dare risk jinxing our luck by asking if we'd possibly get struck by it.

The heavier hail pieces began smashing into the glass and damaging the chopper.

"Turn. Around. NOW!" Uncle ordered, banging a fist against the interior.

Kadron listened, turning our aircraft back towards the island. That's when a lightning bolt struck us. I flinched at the horror. The helicopter started to twitch and jerk oddly as if the electricity fried up the system. Kadron fought to keep the chopper steady, but then we took on another strike- one more severe than the last, and the helicopter's engine stopped.

Smoke started blocking our view from the damaged propellers. Kadron got nervous as he desperately fumbled with the different controls. It did absolutely nothing, of course. Next, we started spinning in mid-air. Both the Captain and I clung to one another as we all screamed at the top of our lungs. The smoke cleared only a few short moments for me to see our aircraft hurtling through a dense forest, and then a final jolt made me black out.


(Third Person's POV)

× Time Skip ×

Crickets chirped. Locusts buzzed. Owls hooted among the calls of the various bird species in the cold climate. And lastly, the crackling sound of the flaming nature circuit rose into the night. The fire wasn't too intense, but still, it was a threat which came from the burning aircraft that hung in the branches of an overshadowing tree. Every so often, it would be swayed in the wind, creaking eerily.

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