I Don't Wanna Be This...

Start from the beginning

He turned to Blake and whispered to her. "Something is really wrong."

"Yeah. And if he stays like this might be expelled for skipping class or he might go into a state of depression if he isn't already."

Both of them stood in front of his door trying to come up with ways to get him out of his room.

Flex POV:

I sat on my bed and tried to wipe the tears but more tears came down. I heard another knock on my door. I annoyingly groaned mentally. I grabbed my sweater and slipped it over me. I slipped underneath my bedsheets and buried myself in them. "I told you to go away!"

Suddenly, I hear my door open and saw a small beam of orange light enter my room. I hear two different footsteps enter my room.

After a moment, I feel my bed sink a little on both sides.

"Flex? Please talk to us," She asked gently. I don't say anything and bury my face in my pillows. "We're worried about you, Flex."

I stayed silent.

“Look, if you’re gonna sit in your room all alone, you might as well open a window. It’s so dark in here.” I hear Kol say as the side of my bed lifts up again. I hear footsteps go over to my window. I listen to the sound of my blinds being pulled up. I lazily turn my body and look at the window. There wasn’t even pure sunlight. The sky was gloomy and looked like it was about to rain.

“Even the sky isn’t a good view,” I say, turning back and burying myself in the pillows.

“Well, still. It’s still important to get some sunlight. It’s good for your…skin.”

A moment of silence passed through. “Still, you can’t spend your whole life in here,” I hear his voice say as he came back over to my bed.

“I’m doing it right now,” I responded back.

“And look what it’s doing. You’ve been barely showing up to your classes and it’s really affecting your grades. You could get expelled.”

“I don’t care.”

“You don’t care if you get expelled?!” She asks, sounding shocked.

“I don’t care anymore. I’ll just hurt people if I stay.”

“Hurt people? What do you mean?” Kol asked.

“I don’t wanna copy people's looks. I’m sick of it. I just wanna high-five new people I meet without stealing their looks.”

“Is that what this is about? Flex…”

“I’m tired- no, I’m sick of this quirk. The only reason I have it is because my parents had it. The only time the quirk came in handy was when I used to copy one of the guards so I could escape the lab.”

“He was part of a lab?” Blake whispered to Kol.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”

“I just…I-...I want to be normal.”

More tears stream down my face. I bury my face deeper into the pillow to silence my sobs. Kol and Blake stayed silent for a moment. “Flex. Come here.” Kol said, trying to come closer. I immediately scooted back. “No, don’t come near me…I don’t wanna hurt you guys.”

“Flex, you’re not gonna hurt us. You’re one of the nicest people we know. Sure, you’re annoying at times but you’d never hurt anyone. Not intentionally.”

I sat up and leaned against my headboard. “Flex, everyone misses you in class. We’re all worried about you.”

I sit there in silence. “I just don’t wanna hurt anyone…” I whisper.

“You would never, Flex.” Blake reassures.

They both go onto the bed and hug me. I wanted to push them away but instead, I just sat there and let it happen. Afterwards, they let go and sat on both sides of me and leaned their heads against the headboard. We all sit there in silence as I hear muffled rain sounds coming from outside my window.

“Is it…is it alright if-”

They both turn their heads and look at me. “Is it alright if you stay for a bit?”

They looked at each other and smiled. “Of course, Flex,” Kol responded.

“We’ll stay as long as you want,” Blake added after.

Blake leaned her head on my shoulder while Kol wrapped his arm around my shoulder. For the first time in days, I smiled. At first, I thought I got unlucky when it came to pairing with my roommates but now…now I don’t think I’m unlucky at all. I’m glad I got these guys.

They’re awesome.

Word count: 1357

This oneshot also almost made me cry. Man, I wish I did. I think I did a good job.

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