"Then...who are you?"

"The only one who can help Harlan."

Knowing that Vanya was right, Sissy hesitantly opened the barn door and allowed them inside because she had no idea what she was doing and even if she didn't really trust these people; they were the only ones who could save Harlan. Vanya was the first to run towards the boy that was lying in the hay but was shoved backwards by the forcefield which surrounded him. The others entered the barn and had to cover their eyes as the forcefield was strong and blinding them. Harlan was raised into the air, his head tilted back and his entire body shaking. "Harlan? Harlan, it's Vanya! Look, Harlan, I know you're really scared but I can help you! I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you do that?"

Vanya glanced back to Sissy to make sure that she had permission to continue and was relieved when Sissy nodded at her. It was hard for the mother to watch her son going through this but was trusting her friend to help him. Vanya's eyes shine a bright white as she breaks through the forcefield and manages to get to Harlan without hurting herself, something that tied them together through their shared powers. It seemed that it wasn't working as Harlan continued to shake and grunt in the air but she couldn't give up, not when they were making progress and she could still save him.

"Careful." Five warned her, nervous for the boy and for his sister because this was more dangerous than they expected. This wasn't what he imagined when he heard that Harlan needed help, he assumed there was some kind of sickness or that the kid had hurt himself on the farm – not accidentally taken some of Vanya's powers and couldn't control them. "Harlan? I don't know if you can hear me..."

"Uh...guys?" Klaus called the others over when he spotted something outside of the barn and even though Harlan needed help, it seemed that there was something else to worry about.

Diego raised an eyebrow to his brother, not knowing what could be more important than a kid with more power than he could handle, but still followed Kate, Allison and Luther over to the opening of the barn. "What?"

They moved to watch two figures across the field and Kate swore that she could hear her eyes rolling in the back of her head when she recognised one of them. Of course, Lila wasn't going to leave them alone and she was going to turn up right when they were going to get rid of her. She seemed just as miserable as Kate felt when she saw her, glaring across the field as if she could look straight into their eyes. Next to her was a woman with a peculiar fashion sense, including a very large hat which covered most of her head and part of her face, Kate guessed that this was the famous Handler that everyone had been talking about. "Ah, shit." Diego groaned when he recognised them.

Klaus had no idea what was happening because he hadn't met either of them before; he just guessed that they were bad news because they were randomly stood in the middle of a field at a random farm in Dallas. "What, who are they?"

"One's the Handler, the other's Diego's girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend." Diego corrected before seeing the glare that Kate was giving him and then quickly corrected himself again. "Not that we ever dated, she just said that we did while I was unconscious. It's complicated."

"Nothing complicated about it." Kate glared at him, explaining the story for the others to understand. "She was a posh obsessive stalker who didn't understand that Diego wasn't interested and for once, Diego was too nice to say anything."

"What? When did that happen?" Klaus questioned, not remembering this happening and wondering whether he had been drugged or drunk when this happened.

"At the Commission. It's a long story."

"If we don't die, we're going out for drinks." He said, patting Kate on the shoulder because he was more than intrigued with this girl. "We have a lot to talk about."

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