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< August 1963 >

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< August 1963 >

It felt as though she had been falling for years as her body hit the ground in a very unflattering way. Kate was more than worried about where she had ended up, knowing that last time Five jumped, he had ended up alone in a post-apocalyptic world. She jumped from the ground, dusting off her dark clothes and glancing around at where she had ended up; her hands rested on the emergency gun which was concealed under her jacket. Her eyes scanned the alley that she had landed in and found it more or less abandoned, which made her nervous, where were the others? They had all travelled together when the world was about to end but now, she was in an alley on her own and they were nowhere to be seen. There was a sign for a warehouse of some kind with a sign showing, Commerce and Knox but the place was in darkness and Kate didn't want to take her chances there. It was evening and there were streetlights lighting up most of the road ahead of her, stores were closed and hardly anyone was walking around the streets.

"Diego?" She called quietly, wrapping her jacket closer around herself as it was slightly chilly and the wind was nipping at her. No response, she tried getting louder but didn't want to shout because she didn't want unwanted attention coming her way. "Five? Allison? Klaus?"

There was still no answer, but instead of leaving the alley, she decided to stay where she was. Maybe something had gone wrong and the rest of the siblings would arrive shortly after her? Maybe they were all going to land in this alley at different times and she needed to wait patiently for them. Wrapping her jacket as close to her body as possible, Kate lowered herself to the ground, hiding herself behind two large garbage containers so that she wouldn't be seen but she could keep an eye out for anyone coming her way. Even though she was desperate to see someone familiar, any of the siblings, she didn't care which one; her eyes were drooping and the after effects of time travel were getting to her. Before she knew it, her eyes were closed and she had fallen asleep.

Kate woke up early the next morning, hearing people on the streets and when she opened her eyes, she was almost blinded by the scorching sun that was not hidden by a single cloud. Cursing at herself, she knew that she could have missed one of the siblings if they had arrived that night but tried not to dwell on it because there were more important things to worry about. She couldn't stay in this place without some kind of plan, to start with, she didn't even know where she was or what year it was and they were both important facts to figure out. Stepping out of the alley felt more unnerving than anything she had done before and she left the safety of the garbage, heading towards the nearest store to check whether they had any newspapers.

Luckily, outside the nearest newsstand there was a pile of newspapers and she hurriedly picked up the first one on the pile. Reading the date at the top of the page, her eyes widened in shock: August 19th 1963. How had she been time travelled into the sixties? Glancing around the streets, she realised that it made sense; there weren't many cars on the road and the ones that were there seemed very old-fashioned. The people walking the streets wore bright clothes and their hairstyles were all unusually stylish. She had always wondered what things looked like during this time but had never expected to find out for herself by being jumped back into this period. All she knew was that the people walking down the streets were sending her strange glances as she didn't really look in place in this era; she knew that one of the first things she needed to do was to find some appropriate clothing options for the sixties.

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