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< November 21st 1963 >

Elliot had been an innocent guy and he didn't deserve to die. Kate was upset because he had been her friend and even though they hadn't known each other for very long, she knew that he was a good guy. The worst part was that he had died in such a horrible gruesome way. Diego and Kate had both struggled to sleep that night as they knew that Elliot's body was only a room away from them and she had only managed to sleep for a few hours with his arms wrapped safely around her. Now it was the next morning from the awful dinner and they were trying to figure out what to do with Elliot. Diego pulled the knife out of his chest as carefully as he could and Luther covered him with a sheet so that they could be respectful towards him.

"I can't believe Elliott's dead." Luther shook his head.

Diego nodded, knowing how guilty they felt for his death. "He was a good guy." 

"The best guy." Kate added, sitting on the couch further away from the body because she didn't feel very comfortable to be next to him. Not only was she upset about the fact that Elliot was dead but dead bodies reminded her of her own sister and she didn't want to imagine Eudora in that way.

"He deserved better than this." Diego ran his hands through his hair. "Elliot must have been getting too close to the truth, it smells like the feds."

"What? Are you out of your mind? Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't do...this." Luther pointed to the covered body which they all knew had been deformed. "No, this is the work of a psychopath."

Kate had to agree with Luther on this one, it didn't seem like something the feds would do. "Plus, the feds wouldn't leave some cryptic message behind. What language even is it?"

"OGA FOROGA? Is that a name?" Diego asked as both men look over the edge where the message was written in blood.

"What if it's some kind of message?" Kate offered, as she stood up and joined them; tilting her head to try and get a better look at it. "It looks Scandinavian."

Luther walked towards the kitchen where the address book was kept. "I'll look her up."

"And I'll keep talking to myself apparently." Kate mumbled, not happy that both of them were ignoring her and doing their own thing; they both liked to play detective and seemed to want to be right instead of her.

Luther flicked through the pages until he landed on her name and couldn't believe that he had actually found someone with the name that was written on the floor. "Holy shit, I've found her. That must be her."

"Call the bitch." Diego ordered him, wanting the woman to pay for whatever she had done.

Kate wasn't too certain that they were doing the right thing and thought that the boys were jumping to some pretty big conclusions by calling up a random woman called Olga and blaming her for the death of their friend. "I don't think you should do this."

"On it." Luther dials the number and balanced the phone on his shoulder, telling them what was happening as he waited for her to answer. "It's ringing. Uh, hello, Olga? It's her, she sounds old. What should I say?" He shrugged because he didn't really know what he was doing so Diego told him to keep talking. "Excuse me, ma'am, uh, I was just wondering – what? My name? It's Luther Hargreeves and-"

Diego ripped the phone out of his hands, knowing that he could intimidate better than his brother could. At the same time, Five appeared round the corner, his eyes furrowed when he saw them all hunched over the phone. "What are the idiots up to now?"

"Calling up some old lady that they think killed Elliot." Kate answered, placing her hands on her temples to try and get rid of the headache that was forming from all the worries she had.

Killer QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora