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< March 31st 2019 >

The entire building was shaking and if it had been any other family then maybe they would have suspected something like an earthquake or some kind of bomb but this family knew that the only thing that could be causing something like this was one of their own. It didn't take a genius to work out that this rumbling was coming from within the walls and there was only one person in the building, who had powers but didn't know how to control them. And stupidly, her siblings had stashed her away in a holding cell which probably wasn't the smartest idea in the world. Glass was shattering as the ceiling seemed to be struggling to stay supported and the beams that held the academy together looked as though they were crumbling before their eyes. The siblings wanted to ensure that everyone was safe and unknowingly made it to the same corridor where they shouted at each other over the noise of their home toppling down.

"What the hell is going on?" Diego asked, pulling Kate behind him because there was no way that he was letting her out of his sight now; not after everything they had been through together. No matter how this ended, they were staying together, even if that meant dying in this house.

Klaus stumbled out of the room, his eyes darting around the unstable walls of the building. "Are those explosions coming from-"

"Vanya." Luther answered, already knowing that their sister was behind this but had no idea how he could save everyone and also save Vanya.

Pogo seemed to take control of the situation, more focused on getting everyone out than he was about saving the building because that was more important. "We need to get to safety outside the Academy."

"Don't forget mom!" Luther shouted after his brothers as Diego pulled Kate and Klaus up the stairs so that they could find Grace before the building fell down.

"Mom!" Diego cupped his hands around his mouth to shout louder but there was no sign of Grace and more parts of the building were crumbling. "Where is she?"

"Mom!" Klaus yelled, leading them across the top of the stairs when the ceiling started to collapse above them. Everyone was so busy trying to find Grace that they didn't notice the falling ceiling, glass from the light fixtures shatter and pieces of the rubble begins to fall; one landing directly on Diego's head which knocked him out. Kate tried to pull him out of danger but his deadweight was something that she couldn't handle so she yelled as loud as she could to get Klaus to help her. "Diego!" She pulled on his jacket and almost didn't see the large chunk of ceiling that was about to fall on top of her, but Klaus managed to drag her out of the danger and somehow Ben shoved a knocked-out Diego out of the way so that none of them were crushed.

Kate's head had been buried in Klaus' chest after her pulled her away from her boyfriend and she didn't see the imaginary person saving Diego's life but Klaus had watched Ben save Diego and couldn't believe what had just happened. He almost forgot what danger they were in but then Kate yanked at his arms to remind him that they needed to get out of the house before they were all crushed. "Klaus, come on! W-We don't have much time!"

"Come on, come on, Diego!" He agreed, pulling his brother off the ground and the two of them somehow managed to get him out of the house between them and down the fire-escape, stopping only when they knew that they wouldn't get stuck in the falling of the building.

"Are you okay?" Klaus grabbed Kate's cheeks and inspected her face before moving onto his own brother, who was leaning against the building next to the academy. "You, okay?"

Diego held Klaus in front of him, not wiping the smile off his face as he realised that they had made it out of the building safely. "Hey, you just saved my life, man."

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