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< March 27th 2019 >

The aftermath of the attack was eerily quiet because no one knew what to say. The academy had been infiltrated by trained assassins, who seemed to want to kill everything in their path as they searched for something or someone. The siblings had fought the best that they could but realised soon after that Klaus had been taken, which meant that the assassins had a hostage and would probably use him to get to the others. Agreeing not to stay at the academy for the night, Diego had been fully prepared to head back to the boiler room but Kate convinced him to stay at her apartment; wanting him as close as possible somewhere they knew they'd be safe. As much as Diego appreciated being able to stay with his girlfriend, Klaus wasn't the only person that had been attacked last night. Grace had passed away, the gunmen not taking pity on her and killing her without giving her a chance to stop them. This was hard on Diego, harder than losing his father because he was always closer to his mom. Kate wasn't sure what she could do or say to make things better, but agreed to be there for him with whatever he needed.

She had been in the same position when both her parents had died, different causes and different times but either way; she was an orphan now. Luckily, she had always had Dora to lean on and vice versa. Which was why she was so intent on being there for Diego, he didn't want to rely on his siblings and so she decided that she would be his support system. And she was ready with all the recipes that she knew he liked, happy to make whatever he wanted as long as it made him happier. Diego was consumed by his thoughts when he made his way into the kitchen the next morning, taking a seat at the small table and staring at the wall; trying to figure out whether he had done the right thing and thinking about his siblings, worried about where Klaus could be. Dora was getting ready for work and made her way into the kitchen to make her first coffee of the day but was shocked to find the looming figure at the table, and placed her hand over her heart to calm herself down.

"What the hell? I agreed to let you date my sister but I didn't agree to see you in my kitchen."

"I didn't realise we needed your permission to do anything." He said back, in a monotone voice as he didn't have the energy to argue seriously as they usually did. "She's a grown woman. She can make her own decisions."

"Oh God, you're serious." Dora realised, making her coffee before turning to him and sitting at the table opposite him. She knew that Diego liked to mess around but when he became serious then something was wrong, and that made her worried. She may not be his biggest fan but she still worried about him, he was practically family but she would never say that aloud. "What happened? Who'd you piss off this time?"

"I gave it as good as I got."

"You didn't answer my question." She sighed before sliding her mug of coffee over to him, seeing that he needed the caffeine more than she did. "Here, have mine."

He nodded in appreciation before changing the subject because he didn't really feel like talking about this stuff with Dora, as much as he trusted her, he didn't want to bring up his emotions. "How's all that paperwork coming along?"

"It's a real page-turner." Dora rolled her eyes, knowing that they both liked to tease her about her boring job; then turned the subject into something more serious. "How are things working out with my sister?"

"Isn't that something you should be talking about with her, not me?"

"I don't trust you. Not as an associate and certainly not as my sisters' boyfriend."

Diego rolled his eyes, sipping the drink and seemed more focused on the conversation than before because this was serious and he wanted to get to the bottom of her distrust. "When are you going to trust me? We've been dating for three years-"

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