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< March 29th 2019 >

It had been an explosive week for the Hargreeves family, after all, they had reunited believing that they were attending the funeral of their father and now several other things had happened. Five had returned from the future, there were two murdering assassins on the loose and there was a possibility that their father's death hadn't been from a heart attack. Kate wasn't sure how she had become so involved in the family affairs but now that she was fully cemented in the problems, she was ready to help them whatever happened. She had always had Diego's back, there was no question and seeing how passionate he was about finding her sister's killer made her want to help him with his own family issues. Somehow, she had also grown closer to his family, sure she didn't know much about Luther or Vanya and barely knew anything about Five, except that he was a fifty-eight-year-old man in a teenager's body. But she had a good feeling about Allison, liking how honest she was when they first met and had grown attached to Klaus, after spending the entire day with him; he seemed to have a lot of layers to him and was slowly revealing them.

She hadn't been expecting to be involved in their family meeting but she told Diego that she wasn't leaving him, especially not after he had just been shot and would need consistent care to ensure that his wound healed properly. After years of watching him come home in the middle of the night with random wounds, she was properly introduced to medical care and knew what she was doing. It felt uncomfortable at first to be surrounded by his family as they discussed what Five told Luther as it seemed very private but she was now a part of this incident and wanted to do whatever she could to help them. Maybe she didn't have the superpowers that the others had but she had proved to them that she could take care of herself and wasn't a liability, plus, Dora had always said that she was smart enough to be a detective, so maybe she could help them work out what was really happening.

Diego sat on the couch, allowing his girlfriend to change the bandage on his arm as he listened to his siblings talking about the looming apocalypse which was only a few days away. He was grateful that among the chaos that was breaking out around them, he could count on Kate to keep him grounded because it was nice to have someone to rely on. He was also enjoying the fact that his siblings had opened up to her so quickly, telling her everything about the apocalypse and treating her like part of the family. It made him feel better, especially since she didn't have any one from her own family left; if his own siblings could take care of her and treat her like a Hargreeves then it would make her feel better and made him happy at the same time. It wasn't hard for the siblings to like Kate, she was smart, she baked them treats and she wasn't an asshole; each of them wondered how the couple had started dating because they were an unusual coupling but hadn't seen the sarcastic badass side that only Diego and Klaus had seen.

Allison was handing out coffee to everyone as Luther sat at the bar and Klaus took refuge on the floor, not looking too well at the constant talking about the end of the world. "Three days?" She questioned, wanting to make sure that everyone had the same information before they made a plan of action.

"That's what Five said." Luther nodded.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it." Klaus sighed, not feeling like himself after he had accidently been transported to the 1960's where he fought in the Vietnam War. "He just left out the part about how soon."

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed but Five's a little..." Allison trails off, gesturing with her hands and whistling.

Klaus chuckles at her insinuation. "Our little psycho."

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

Diego looks towards the larger brother and realises that that was the reason that the assassins were trying to hunt him down. "That's why they were after him?"

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