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< November 16th 1963 >

Instead of going back to her apartment, she followed Five to their base which he had found in some kind of closed store. It wasn't what she expected but it was rather homely and she bonded with Elliot, the owner, over their love of desserts. When he found out that she baked his favourite donuts, he desperately pleaded for her to make something for him and she was more than happy to. They had to kill time when Five attempted to talk to Luther and baking was her favourite hobby. Unfortunately, things were complicated when she realised that Elliot had no idea what he was doing and so she tried to teach him to bake something simple. It resulted in more mess than anything else and Five was confused when he returned to the kitchen covered in flour and eggs. As badly as his conversation went with Luther, he was glad to see Kate was laughing and her mind had been taken off Diego, at least for a few hours.

Five was distracted by some photographs that were on the desk and had been taken of the alley when each of the siblings arrived in the sixties. "Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself?"

"Of course, can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighbourhood Fotomat." He nodded, glad to have his work appreciated as he left the mess of the kitchen for a moment. "Government has eyes everywhere."

"I didn't see a dark room."

"I converted the hallway closet."

"Can you develop this?" Five hands over something that Hazel had given him before he died, the Frankel Footage; he had no idea what it held but it must be important.

"Frankel Footage?" Elliot read the writing on the side and asked. "Friends of yours?"

Not wanting to actually tell him anything, Five lied and made sure that Elliot wouldn't ask any further questions. "Cousins on my robot mother's side. Can you do it or not?"

"Sure, I can."

"How long?"

"Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid. Beeker's Cameras is open today but it's two miles away and I'd have to take the bus." He began rambling and scratching his head. "On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away but I have to cut through the park and there's pigeons-"


"It's like five, maybe six hours." He answered as he didn't want to disappoint the young boy with superpowers and a devilish look in his eye. He much preferred the company of Kate, who was completely human and baked him nice foods.

"Attention all units we have a code 3 – 15 at the Holbrook Sanatorium."

"The hell is a code 3 – 15?"

"Fugitives on the run." Kate answered, hearing the announcement on the radio and then realised that she was being stared at and shrugged. "What? My sister was a detective."

"Twenty-five patients still at large. Many are considered armed and dangerous."

"That has to be Diego." She realised, knowing that he was obviously behind an escape from the hospital.

"Who's Diego?" Elliot asked, not knowing many names in this situation.

"Imagine Batman, then aim lower." Five explained, brushing down his blazer. "Much lower." She added before talking to Five. "I'll help Elliot with the film, you get your brother."

"Are you sure you're okay with him?" Kate scoffed, glancing back at where Elliot was cleaning up eggs from the wall. "Please, I can take care of myself."

"Fine, I'll be back as soon as I can." Five nods, leaving them alone.

It took longer than expected to clean up the mess in the kitchen but Elliot didn't mind spending more time with Kate, then came the hard bit because he was more than confused when he uncovered the Frankel Footage. Kate had been distracted, taking something out of the oven when he grabbed her and held her in a chokehold, he pointed his gun to her head and panicked when more footsteps came into the building. His hands were shaking, he didn't want to hurt his new friend but he was scared and got more scared when Five returned with more fugitives.

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