Chapter 54: "I don't cheat, but thanks anyway."

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Final chapter for today!



"Flynn, I can't talk right now. I have to do algebra."

Flynn sighed on the other side of the phone. "You're always doing homework these days. What happened to the Julie that I used to know?"

"That Julie wasn't trying to graduate early," Julie replied.

"I don't even know why you're trying to graduate early."

"Because a lot of record labels and management companies have been trying to recruit Julie and The Phantoms. I promised dad school first, so I'm finishing early so we could hopefully get one, and Luke, Reggie, and Alex don't have to wait a year for me to graduate," Julie explained.

"Okay, but now for the most important reason I called you. Did Luke ask you to homecoming yet?" Flynn asked.

"No, and I'm not sure why. I know he doesn't do dances. Maybe I should ask him?"

"You don't want to force him to go if he doesn't want to. Let him ask you, that way you know if he wants to."

"That's true. Flynn, I really gotta go," Julie said.

"Okay, bye. Good luck with algebra."

"Thanks. Bye."

Finally. Silence for Julie so work. Don't get her wrong, she loves hanging out with her friends and boyfriend, but in order for Julie to graduate early, she needed to take these classes. The only elective Julie took this semester was music, and those were the easiest assignments. She felt like she was going to lose her mind. She and Luke hadn't even written any new songs for a few months because of it. What she needed was a break, and going to homecoming would be a nice break. But, she was waiting for Luke to ask her.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Julie, who was in the kitchen, yelled that she would get it and headed towards the door. Behind it was Luke.

"Luke? I told you I couldn't hang out today."

"Yeah, but you can't hang out any day, so I decided I was gonna come keep you company while you did your work," Luke responded.

He didn't ask, he just walked into the house, grabbed a banana from the counter, and sat down in the seat next to her homework. Julie rolled her eyes. Of course he would do this, he was Luke. She sat back down in her seat, and started to work some more.

"Algebra. Nice," Luke commented.

"Luke, I like to work in silence. I don't mind you being here, but I need you to be quiet please."

Luke nodded, and Julie went back to working. It wasn't even 10 seconds later when Luke spoke again.

"So how's that going for ya?"



"I need quiet, please," Julie begged.

"Got it, got it," He replied.

He was quiet for about 2 minutes this time.

"Is there something I can do to make it go faster?" He asked. "I'm sure I remember something from one of your subjects."

"I don't cheat, but thanks anyway."

Luke nodded again, and Julie thought he would finally be quiet, but I guess she shouldn't have expected anything like that. Luke reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Julie, babe, you need a break. You're driving yourself crazy and I can tell."

Julie sighed. He was right. He could always tell when she was almost to her breaking point.

"You can do this stuff later. For now, can we do something fun?"

"Like what?" Julie asked.

"Like... Let's go to the new drink place," He suggested.

Julie nodded and announced that she was going to get her shoes.

"Dad! I'm leaving!" She yelled throughout the house on her way out the door.

"Bye, love you!" Her father yelled back.


Next chapter: Something EXCITING!

See you tomorrow!

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