Chapter 22: "I'm sorry but... I'm gonna have to cancel."

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Tis a beautiful Friday night and another chapter of Sweetheart is released to the public. 

Okay, I did almost forget to post, but in my defense, I was at the gym for a while lol. 


"Do we have any Bobcats in the house?" Julie heard Flynn say excitedly from the back of the gymnasium. "Everybody make some noise!"

Everyone cheered.

"Ok, ok. Not too much noise. There's an anger management meeting down the hall," She explained, but laughed.

Julie made her way through the crowd, scrambling to get to the front. Once she was in sight of Flynn, her best friend waved her to come up on stage.

"How ya feeling?" Flynn asked.

"I'm a little nervous," Julie explained.

"You'll be fine. All your gear is backstage. Come on."

Julie nodded and headed backstage.

"Oh my gosh! You look amazing!" Flynn complimented as she saw Julie.

"Thanks," Julie said as she hugged Flynn. "It's my mom's. I finally went through her stuff."

"She would have loved that you wore that," She paused before speaking again."Are the guys here yet?"

"Not that I've seen. They will be, though. They know how important this is to me."

Julie trusted them with all her heart. She just hoped Luke listened when she told him that they would go on at nine.


Only, they didn't. They had to cancel because the boys didn't show up. Could Julie really trust them anymore? After this? This was her one chance to prove herself to the whole school. It was important to her, Luke knew that. She told him. The amount of betrayal Julie felt in that moment was unreal.

She checked her phone one more time. 10:57.

After being bullied (Yet again) by Carrie that night, Julie had just about had it.

"I can't tell if the crowd is getting restless or bored. Never a good sign." She had commented earlier.

Flynn had suggested she play by herself, but it was too soon. Julie knew that the second she got out there all alone, she wasn't going to be able to play. Or sing. Or even speak for that matter.

That's only a couple of the things that led her to do this.

"I'm sorry but... I'm gonna have to cancel."

Suddenly, Carrie was walking up the stairs to the stage.

"Does anybody know the Heimlich?" She asked sarcastically. "Julie's choking." Carrie walked closer to the center of the stage. "Only one way to save this dance. Who wants to see Dirty Candy?"

Flynn reached out and purposely broke a lever on the sound board.

"Oops. Knob's broken!" Flynn yelled, earning boo's from the crowd.

"Okay. Two can play at this game," Carrie said, staring directly at Flynn. "Party at my house!" She exclaimed. Then she dropped the microphone and walked off the stage, everyone following behind her.

Well, that was a bust. This night just keeps getting worse and worse. Julie keeps feeling worse and worse. Though she was mad that the boys hadn't shown up, she was also worried for them. After all, they were teenage boys; She didn't know how much trouble they could get up in.

Wherever they were, when they came back, she would smack them. Then, she would hug them.


Julie sure loves these boys. But, what are they up to? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Don't forget to vote and comment! I looovee reading your guys' comments :)

See ya next week! (Or not, we will see if I remember. Maybe someone remind me?)

Sweetheart (A Juke Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें