Chapter 28: "She looks all business."

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I realized that I literally disappear off the face of the Earth for a week or two and then I come back like nothing happened. I hope my American readers had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. Hopefully you weren't pestered too much by your family.

Okay, enjoy.


Don't tell Alex or Reggie, but Luke thought it was cute when Julie wanted his approval to start playing. He knew she wanted him there, and that she really wants to play with him -- um the band. Yeah, the band. Definitely the band.

Anyway, she started playing the keyboard in front of her. Her hands danced gracefully over the keys, and Luke almost forgot his key to start.

I got a spark in me

Hands up if you can see

And you're a part of me

Hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity

Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free

Luke was moving around the stage with his guitar, he could tell that Julie and him were wooing the crowd. Even through all the madness and his love for connecting with the crowd, he couldn't refrain from watching Julie. She looked so carefree at that moment. It was a complete 180 from the ride over when she was worrying about her dad finding out about her sneaking out. It was the way music filled her soul and made her brighter that made Luke want to never stop playing.

Now, Luke went from sharing a mic with Reggie to sharing a mic with Julie. If she smiled like that one more time he might just pass out on this small stage.

I got a spark in me (I got a spark in me)

And you're a part of me (And you're a part of me)

Now till eternity (Now till eternity)

Been so long and now we're finally free

Listen, you're the only person Luke is talking to this about so he's got to admit something. Julie's high notes made his knees weak. She's got something special. A spark if you will.

Julie finished the song, and the band took a bow. Almost everybody was standing up and cheering for their, no doubt, killer performance. That's when Luke saw...


Of course he would follow them. Luke knew he wasn't going to be let off the hook so easily because life isn't at all what you wanted it to be. There's always mistakes you make that can lead karma to you. This mistake is one that Luke had just wished would go away, but it doesn't seem that's the case.

Almost as fast as Luke locked eyes with him, he looked away towards Julie who was looking back at him. Luke's gaze softened instantly as she smiled towards him. Together, they bowed and walked off of the stage.

Luke had suggested that they stay for a little bit to enjoy a night out as a band, and Julie (along with the other boys) agreed.

Then, Luke decided in his mind. He was going to tell Julie how he felt tonight.

Planning it out in his mind, it sounded really good. He would steal her away for a minute, and tell her that he didn't know what she was doing to him, but he liked it. And that maybe if she felt the same way, they could try being more than friends.

That sounds good, doesn't it?

After Luke decided he would, he looked up from his shoes (he was staring there to think because if he looked anywhere else it would most definitely be Julie) and again locked eyes with him. Then, he broke eye contact when he heard Carrie's obnoxiously perky voice.

"This is Andi Parker from Destiny Management. She reps Shawn, Selena, and maybe even Dirty Candy?"

"Really nice to see you, Carrie. And very nice job up there, ladies," The woman responded.

Then, that same woman started towards them.

"Hey. Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way," He announced to his bandmates and Flynn.

"She looks all business," Alex whispered.

The woman approached and shook hands with everyone.

"Hi, I'm Andi Parker and I would--" She started to introduce herself, but was cut off by the sound of Julie's dad's voice.

"Julie," He said sternly.

"Dad," Julie said, shocked.

"It's time to go."


In other news, I really haven't written for like 3 weeks. I was busy with a fashion show that I was in. 

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Hope you guys had a great Friday! Have a great week! Love y'all.

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