Chapter 34: "We're not that messy."

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SURPRISE! A new chapter? Who is she? SHE IS THE PERSON WHO FINISHED WRITING THIS STORY! 61 chapters with one bonus chapter coming your way! Get excited!



Dance class was boring as always, luckily it's the last one he'll ever have to attend.

Luke and his partner... (let's not dwell on the fact that he still can't remember her name) did great.

Though Luke always made sure to have an eye on Julie and that dirty Nike who likes her. Yes, he pretended to be okay with it in front of her. Just in case she liked him better, but then she apologized for choosing Nuck over him.

So, when he was watching Julie, he noticed that after the dance was over, she ran out of there faster than ever. He followed her, of course. So did Flynn. All up until she bolted into the music classroom.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing?" Flynn asked in a serious tone.

"I'm coming to check on Julie," Luke responded.

"No, you're not. This is her best friend's duty. I'll see you tonight."


She didn't acknowledge the fact that he was even speaking again. Flynn turned around and walked into the classroom.

Luke delayed a little bit, but still turned and walked away to find Alex and Reggie.


Well, it's official. Luke's lost it.

He's never been worried about his outfit while performing before, but for some reason today he just had to have the perfect outfit.

He went so crazy that he even called Julie to get her opinion.

"Whatever you wear is fine, Luke."


"I gotta go, my dad wants me to clean out a space in the garage for tonight so that we can put your instruments out in front too. I promise whatever you wear will be fine. Bye!"

That was happening a lot today.

Okay. Game face on. Time to get ready to perform with Julie. ...and his other friends of course.

Pulling his worry to the back of his head, he quickly picked out a white tee with a skull on it. Luke grabbed some random black pants off his floor, and finally he put on his signature beanie. There, that's good. Hopefully.

He showed up to Julie's house a while before they were set to perform.

"Hey, Luke! Did you invite everyone you know?" Julie said brightly when she opened her front door to Luke standing on the porch.

"Yeah. About that. Alex, Reggie, and I basically only know each other and you... so everyone that you invited are the only people who even know about it."

That earned him a laugh from the most perfect person that could ever exist. At least, in his world.

"Well, come in! We could use a little help cleaning up the mess you guys made in the garage so it looks at least a little bit presentable," She said, turning sideways to let him into the house.

"Please, Julie. We're not that messy."

"Please, Luke. There's still glass shards on the floor from when you guys broke my vase."

They both chuckled at each other's sarcasm, and made their way to the garage from the side door. On the way, they passed the kitchen so Luke just had to grab a bag of chips. In his defense, Ray had said that he could take anything he wanted from the kitchen as long as Luke actually ate the food, and he always did (duh).

About an hour before the performance time, Alex and Reggie showed up and each shared their 'ooh's and 'ahh's about him being alone with her while Julie was turned away. They never would quit. Luke gave them each a shove and warned them to 'knock it off or they'd regret it'. Long story short, they still didn't stop.

After helping Ray set up the camera, there was only half an hour before the party would start, and all of the early worms were starting to show up.

Julie pulled all three of them into the garage, and she gave them a pep talk. Luke was pretty sure he heard what she was saying, but her serious face distracted him too much to comprehend what was going on. He was screwed if this was going to happen for the rest of his life.

"Luke? Are you listening to me?"

Shoot. He's been caught.

"Yes, Boss," he started, hoping something would come to mind. "Perform to the best of our ability so that we can record a smashing video to go on our YouTube."

"That's not at all what I said, But you make a very great point."

Welp, he tried.

"Julie!" Carlos, Julie's younger brother, came into the garage and stole her attention. "You're on in five."

"Okay. Get ready to rock these kids' faces off!" Julie said towards all of the band members.

"That's my line!" Luke defended.

"I know, but now it's mine because I just stole it," she responded.

This girl was doing something to his brain. Or his heart. Or both?


I seriously cried when I finished writing. It ends so perfectly and you definitely will love it when you get to chapter 61. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! It really makes me smile to see people enjoy my stories that I spend a lot of time one. 

See you TOMORROW! :)

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