Chapter 17: "Luke, you can let go now."

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Y'all! I forgot that Friday was a thing again. Sorry. I'm here now.


Okay so? Luke couldn't help it, Julie hugged him. Well, technically she hugged him, Reggie and Alex, but let's not focus on that right now. He practically collapsed in her arms. Her hug was something special, and it was like he had never had before. She had soft, warm skin, and her big curls tickled his face. It was... effortlessly perfect. She was perfect.

"Luke, you can let go now," A silvery voice that Luke could identify as Julie spoke.

He realized that he was still holding her with everyone watching. Luke coughed lightly, let go, and carefully stepped away.

"Sorry," He muttered.

Julie laughed an infectious laugh and said, "it's okay."

"Yeah. Ok... I guess my parents will be wanting me home soon. See ya," Alex explained, waved and walked out.

"I better go too," Reggie added before following Alex.

So, there it was. Just Julie, Flynn, and Luke. A little awkward, if Luke had to be honest. Only, Luke couldn't go home now. Not only did he want to spend more time with Julie, he was also trying to stay away from his parents more and more. They just didn't understand that music was his life, they didn't understand that accounting isn't what he wants to do. Luke and his parents were fighting a lot more recently. They didn't have the same views on anything anymore. Luke was almost ready to jump ship, but where would he go? He had nowhere to stay if he did leave. That's why he couldn't go home just yet. Give him a couple more hours, then he'll be good.

Luke looked at Julie and shrugged.

"I've got nothing to do."

Julie glanced at Flynn before answering. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Perfect," Luke nodded.

He followed her and Flynn out of the garage and towards Julie's house. There is was, it was another reason to like Julie. She always made everyone feel welcome. Either this is very bad or very good. Each day, Luke was falling even more for this girl who probably only liked him as a friend.

The movie both Flynn and Julie chose was something girly, Luke didn't even remember the name. He didn't complain about what they chose, he was happy for the distraction. When the movie ended, Mr. Molina invited him and Flynn to dinner. So, he stayed for dinner. After dinner, Mr. Molina offered him a ride home, but Luke preferred to walk. It was relaxing, and that way it would waste more time.

The second he got home, he went straight to his room and closed the door. That night as he lay in bed, he reflected on everything that happened that day. In the middle of thinking about everything he did that day, he heard his phone ding from the nightstand next to his bed. It was a text.

Julie: Text/call me in the morning.

Luke: You got it, boss.

Luke hadn't realized that he was smiling dumbly at his phone until after he had sent the message. What was this girl doing to him? He returned his phone to the nightstand, rolled over, and was out like a light.

The next morning, Luke did as Julie had said. He called her at 8 am.

"Hello?" she answered groggily.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry, I'll call back in an hour," Luke spoke quickly, almost hanging up until he heard some noise that sounded like her sitting up on her bed on the other side of the phone. She quickly answered before he could hang up.

"No, no it's okay. My dad woke me up two minutes ago."

"Oh, okay."

"So, anyway, I wanted you to call me because I wanted to see if you'd like to come over sometime to write together?" She asked.

"Yeah, definitely!" Luke responded, probably a little too fast. Julie giggled on the other side of the phone.

"Okay, then. This weekend?" She responded.

"Yeah, I should be free," Luke said, trying to win back some dignity. Gosh, sometimes he could be such an idiot. "Well, I better go," He continued, he had to get off the phone before he embarrassed himself more.

"Okay, see ya," She replied and hung up the phone.

Luke started to head off to school, he may not want to go most of the time, but he had very recently taken a liking to music class, no matter how hard it was to do the assignments instead of doing what he thought a music class should be doing.


This Luke is one of my favorite Luke's. :)

Don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next week! (If I remember ;))

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