Chapter 16: "Mostly me."

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Me: Writing, doing nothing.

Also me: Realizing it's Friday and I should be updating.

I'm here. I'm late but I'm here. School sucks, I'm on the yearbook editorial board for my school and they keep taking me out of my classes. So, it's only been a week of school and I've already got multiple F's. Yay me.


As Julie led Flynn to the garage, Flynn questioned her as much as she could. But when they opened that door to the garage, she went silent. Flynn walked over to a chair, and sat down.

"It's not perfect, but whatever," Julie stated.

"No, if I'm gonna hear a song from your band, I want it to be perfect. So, go practice some more. All of you," She said, pointing to all the guys.

Julie laughed, and smiled, then walked over to her keyboard which was right next to Alex and his drums.

"The guys took a poem I wrote about you and put it to music. It's called "Flying Solo." Hope you like it."

"Mostly me," Luke interrupted with a smile.

Flynn laughed, and then her face went soft, Julie could tell that she was going to be forgiven after this. After all, it was a great song.

If I leave you on a bad note

Leave you on a sad note

Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day

Julie had to admit that she was nervous about this working, but when she glanced over to Flynn, who was now bobbing her head up and down, all of her doubts washed away. Of course Flynn would forgive her. It's not like it was the worst thing you could do to a friend. After all, they had a lot of history behind their friendship.

I know all your secrets

You know all my deep-dish

Guess that means some things they never, they never


We both know what I, what I, what I


When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me

This was when the boys would come in. Julie was excited to show Flynn just what they could do together. Not to mention, gossip about all things band and boy related.

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you

Hey, yeah

Hey, yeah

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you

Flynn seemed to be really loving the song. I guess Julie would have to thank Luke for making the melody for this and the other guys for learning it so fast. Flynn had been Julie's best friend for as long as Julie could remember. She remembered sitting at the end of the block trying to sell lemonade in third grade. They had sat there for about an hour before getting too tired and bored, so they ended up only selling to their families and a couple other people.

When they had finished the song, both Julie and Flynn were dancing around each other. They had performed this song that they only practiced for half an hour way better than Julie thought they would.

"Julie!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Flynn!" Julie replied, matching her best friend's energy.

"That was amazing! I can't believe you wrote a song about me!"

"Flynn, you're my best friend! I couldn't live in a world where you weren't."

"Ok... we're still here," Alex jumped in with a laugh.

"Yeah, don't think we would allow you to forget about us," Reggie added.

Julie laughed. She had only been in this band a couple weeks, but they were already like a family to her. It felt like she had known them for a forever, maybe even in a different lifetime.

"How could I forget you guys," She said, crossing the distance to pull all three of them into a big hug. 


Cute little chapter. It will be this kinda stuff.. for a while. I'm writing ahead and I'm getting to the very fun and stress inducing parts. Yay for me again.

Anyways, Don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next week!

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