Chapter 46: "I don't know if I'm allowed to just walk in anymore."

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Final chapter for today! Goodnight y'all!



Julie was nervous about visiting Luke's parents. She had kept him a secret in her garage for so long that she wasn't sure what to do or say.

When they got to the front door, Luke just stood there. Staring.

"Are you going to go in?" she asked.

"I don't know if I'm allowed to just walk in anymore." He looked to the ground, a saddened expression starting to appear on his face.

Julie reached out and gripped his hand. She squoze his hand in a reassuring way.

A small smile appeared on his face at her small action. He nodded a little, and raised his hand to knock on the door. Just as he was about to, Luke's mother opened the door.

"Luke! Honey, I knew you'd come back. Come in, Come in. Your bedroom is the way you left it and I have cookies baking in the oven."

She spoke so fast and started pulling her son inside without even looking at Julie.

The only bad part was that Julie's hand was still intertwined with Luke's, so when he got pulled inside, she did too but only more roughly. Julie tried to wiggle her fingers out of Luke's, but he just tightened his grip. So, Julie endured it. He needed her right now.

They got all the way to the kitchen before Emily even noticed Julie, and she didn't seem too happy that her son was holding hands with her. Emily stared at the intertwined fingers for a moment longer than you'd expect, and she looked between their faces for a moment.

"Julie, dear, you can go home now. Thanks for bringing Luke home."

She started trying to pull their hands apart and lead Julie out the door, but Luke wasn't allowing it.

He tightened his grip even more on Julie's hand.

"Mom. I want her to stay."

"She can't possibly stay the night, Luke," His mother explained.

"I'm not either," Luke blurted out, making Emily release her grip on Julie and step back.

"What do you mean?" Emily said, her voice shaky.

"I just came to tell you guys that I'm safe and that I'm staying at Julie's for now."

Emily's mouth gaped open, and she blinked a few times as if she was taking in what he was saying to him.

"Luke..." She started saying as a tear started falling down her cheek.

Julie felt a little awkward being in the middle of this, but like she stated before, Luke wouldn't let go.

He started towards the door, pulling Julie along, but she stopped him in his tracks. He was going to make up with his parents, right here, right now.

Julie pulled him back with their linked hands until he was facing her.

She looked him directly in his eyes and said in a voice soft enough for only him to hear, "Luke. You need to make up with them. Now."

Luke sighed and nodded his head. He looked to his mother. "Where's dad?" He asked.

"He'll be home from work soon. Sit down and eat some cookies while you wait."

Luke nodded and looked to Julie asking if it was alright if they stayed. Julie nodded back at him, and Luke led them over to the kitchen table where they sat and were fed cookies in awkward silence while waiting for Mitch to arrive home.


Luke is finally confronting his parents. How will that go? Leave your guesses in the comments!

See you tomorrow! 

Sweetheart (A Juke Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें