Chapter 26: "You're not taking the stairs."

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Surprise! It's a new Sweetheart chapter. I'm suddenly sick so this is fun. Nothing serious, just clogged sinuses. You're welcome for that information.

Anyways, enjoy!


Around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Luke texted Alex to ask where he was. Of course, he responded that he was at Julie's. The one person he didn't want to see right now. But, he never could really stay away. Maybe he could try again to convince her to play the showcase with them tonight.

Luke walked out of his house, and started towards Julie's. One the way, he thought of what he could say to her that might convince her to come back. No matter what she said earlier, Luke couldn't stay mad at her because he realized now that he needs her. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy just being around a person. Sure, Alex and Reggie were fun to hang around and his best buds, but they weren't her.

When Luke reached Julie's house, he walked up the driveway and slowly pulled open one of the doors just enough to peek his head in. He was immediately spotted by Alex, but by the looks of it, they had been playing a song. Alex gestured for him to come inside, so he did. He walked in front of Julie, and she smiled at him. The smile he'd grown to love... I mean... like over the past year or so.

"Grab your guitar. We got work to do," She said. It was an unspoken apology, but it was all he needed to hear.

Luke glanced at his friends, and Reggie shrugged. Luke smiled, chuckled a little, and grabbed his guitar from the stand behind him. He then walked over to Julie and stood across the keyboard from her.

"What made you come back?" He asked.

"I realized how important music is to all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too," She simply explained.

"Thanks," Luke responded sincerely. Julie smiled, and Luke spoke again. "Alright, boss. Where we at?"

Instead of answering, she just chuckled a little and said something that made his whole day.

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."

He was shocked, at first, but then she answered his previous question to pull him out of his shock.

"Let's go from the pre-chorus."

Alex counted them off, and they started practicing. They practiced until it got dark out, then Julie had to go inside for dinner. They agreed that the boys would come to pick Julie up when they were going to leave in about half an hour.


When the time came, Luke knocked on the front door to her house, but he didn't expect for her dad to open it. Luke didn't even get to say one word before her dad spoke.

"Sorry, Luke, she's grounded right now. She can't hang out tonight." With that he shut the door in Luke's face.

Instead of taking 'no' for an answer, Luke went to the side of the house that he knew held Julie's room. A couple small pebbles on the side of the house was all he needed. He threw them up, missed the first, but he hit it with the second.

No answer.

He threw two more, hitting the large window with both of them.

Then, as he was about to grab a couple more, Julie's silhouette appeared, and she opened the window.

"Why you still here? We're ready to head over," Luke said.

"I lied to my dad. So, now I'm stuck in my room all night," Julie explained.

"Yeah, but we popped over to make sure our name was still on the list, and we dropped off our instruments. It was packed with, like, VIPs and managers. It's kinda crazy!"

"What am I gonna do? My aunt is right downstairs."

Luke scoffed. "Your aunt. You're not taking the stairs."

Julie's mouth formed a smile.

"Okay, let me get dressed. I'll meet you down there," She said.

Does this make Luke a bad influence? Oh well, she went along with his crazy idea and that helps him smile a little bigger.

Luke disappeared from the sight of the window, and went to fill the guys in. Now, all they had to do was figure out how to get her down from the second story window.


My brain can't function enough to write something here, so... happy Sunday?

Is it even Sunday? I don't remember.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Maybe I'll be able to form a response to come of them. 

Okay bye :)

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