Chapter 27: "Julie and the Fat Ones."

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Hey everyone! Two updates in two days!? Who am I? 

In all seriousness, I'm still sick, but I'm feeling better. As long as I'm updating, you know I'm working really hard to get this story finished. If you've ever wondered how far ahead I write, I'm in the middle of writing chapter 45, so this will be a long story haha.

Okay, enjoy!


Luke was definitely a bad influence on Julie. Don't ask how she got down from her second story bedroom without getting hurt because Julie didn't know either. As they made their way to Cafe Mocha, Julie, who sat in the passenger's side front seat of Alex's car, would only talk about how crazy it was that she was sneaking out behind her dad's back and how mad he'd be if he found out. If the guys were annoyed by this, they didn't say anything.

Before she knew it, they were pulling up to Cafe Mocha. Alex let them all out while he went to find a parking spot.

Julie had texted Flynn about this prior to coming, so as soon as they walked in she went to find her.

"Are we too late?" Julie asked her.

"Too early," Flynn answered.

Just then, they heard the announcer.

"Next up, Dirty Candy."

Suddenly, all attention was directed towards the stage.

Carrie, in her usual bright pink wig, was dressed head to toe in pink and sparkles.

"Dirty Candy? How'd she get on the list?" Julie asked.

"Her daddy probably made a call," Flynn answered.

They both sighed, and Flynn changed the subject.

She pointed to a small flower pin on Julie's vest. "I like this! Pretty flower."

"Thanks. It's a dahlia. My mom's favorite."

Julie didn't know what led her to this vest, but it seemed that every time she looked in her mom's trunk full of clothes, she found something new sitting right on top. It was almost like her mom wanted her to wear it.

Julie also didn't know what led her to look behind her at Luke, but as soon as she did she almost regretted it. He was already looking at her. Their eyes met, Julie felt her face heat up, so she turned away. What is happening to her? She promised herself that she wouldn't like Luke.

Just then, Carrie started singing and her band started dancing.

Julie also glanced back to the boys behind her, and saw Alex jamming out to the song.

"You wanna do it, don't you?" Julie asked.

"Uhm, it's just my... feet. It's not like I wanna be up there dancing too."

Luke laughed beside him.

"Yeah," Julie said sarcastically.

They continued watching Carrie's performance, and it was without a doubt, better than Julie thought it would be.

"I'm not gonna lie. That was... kinda good," Julie admitted.

"Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much," Flynn agreed.

Just then Carrie approached them.

"Hi, girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" She said in her high pitched voice that Julie had grown to hate.

"Now I remember," Flynn said, looking towards Julie.

Carrie hummed and looked towards Julie. "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come."

Julie scoffed. "That's not why I'm here," She said, probably looking a little less threatening than she thought she would be.

"Okay, looks like we're closing out the night with one more group," The announcer said, looking down and reading off his clipboard. "Julie and the Fat Ones."

The entirety of Dirty Candy started snickering.

Julie looked behind her to Luke, who she had been told was the one that wrote their name down on the list.

"Really?" Alex asked, his voice sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks," Luke answered.

Julie sighed, and the four of them made their way to the stage.

She sat down at the keyboard, and put her microphone in the stand.

"Hi. It's actually Julie and the Phantoms." She clarified, but nobody seemed to care. "Okay," Julie said awkwardly.

She looked over at Luke, he nodded, and she started playing.


Special message to those who've read Perfect and Sweetheart...

Which one has better quality writing and which one is your favorite? You're not going to hurt my feelings if you share, I'm just genuinely curious. 

See you later! :)

Sweetheart (A Juke Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें