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Scene( near waterfall, Moon Knight Pack.)

I just don't know how I got the courage to kiss Liam but it is one of the best things happened to me. I am lost in kiss with my mate Liam when suddenly I hear someone chuckle from afar, and as if I am caught red handed by my parents, I lose my balance on the rock and slip off the small cliff like rock straight in to cold water. Liam also falls in to water beside me, he tries to hold my arm but we both directly fell into the clearest water I have ever seen. It's quite deep and when I force myself out to the surface, I see Liam is already swimming by my side. He holds me by my waist and tugs my hairs aside from my face with his fingers, it's a simple gesture but now it gives me butterflies in my stomach.

He starts chuckling, I know I am clumsy and I also know my hairs look all messed up. But his big blue eyes let's my fears all away. We didn't say a word for few seconds and I feel his ocean blue eyes are hovering on my lips. I lick my lips innocently and he lets out a groan and with an instance, his lips are on mine and everything fades away in the wonderful bliss.

"Get a room you two.." I hear someone's laugh and we break our kiss. A blond haired man is standing on the rocky steps by the waterfall.

"Shut up, Noah. And what are you doing here?" Liam says in annoyance.

"Nothing just exploring the nature." Noah smirks.

"Lets get out of the water. You must be feeling cold sweetheart." Liam places his forehead on mine, his huge hands cupping my face and he envelopes my lips in a mouth watering kiss before walking me out on a dry land. "I think we need to rain check on the date, we have an audience now, who won't be leaving us anytime soon." Liam seems to be annoyed by Noah's sudden interruption.

"Finally, I see you met your mate, Liam." Noah says and envelopes Liam in a manly hug. "Hi, my name is Noah, Liam's Gay best friend. It's so nice to meet you." He says and takes my hand like a gentleman and places a kiss on it. I hear Liam growl and Noah chuckles. "He can be jealous sometime, don't mind it. I can feel we are gonna be best friends, and I can tell you each and everything about your mate. Liam won't you introduce her to me to your gorgeous mate."

"Noah, this is Eva, my mate from Lycan Blood Pack and Eva this is Noah , my best friend." Liam says and takes away my hand from Noah's hand. "I see you are back. How was your meeting?"

"Oh, the council meeting was fine. As your pack advisor, you should be glad to know that the council has decided to fund the Annual Community charity Event in our pack this year." He says with all excitement in his tone.

"Let's talk about it later I want to take Eva back to my apartment." Liam slides his hand around my waist and walk me through the forest back to the pack house.

It's almost dark in the sky and I can hear some people chatting near by the pack house. My clothes are all wet so is Liam's but we didn't even bother to change our clothes in front of Noah who is currently walking beside us. He is actually sweet and he even told me some of the adventures he and Liam used to do in the pack forest as children.

As we get to the pack house, I see many females members are looking at us. I feel embarrassed, as I am soaked in water and Liam's pack members are going to meet me for the very first time.

"Eva.!!" Some one in the distance squeals in excitement. Liam's mother Luna Avery walks out of the pack house and embrace in her motherly hug. She then hugs Liam who is beside me and then hugs Noah who is standing on the other side of Liam. "Noah, dear thank Goddess you are back." She claps her hand dramatically in excitement. "I think you already met Eva, I need your help in getting Eva ready."

"Ready for what? mother? I told you not to do it" Liam let's out a small growl but his mother ignores him and walks me away from him. "Lets get you all cleaned up, then I want to introduce you to my friends. I have organised small pack party for your welcome."

"Oww! A party I am so excited for you Eva." Noah exclaims his excitement.

"I am glad but I don't have anything to wear other than jeans and T-shirts." I say hesitantly. I don't have any formal clothes in my suitcase, which is mostly filled with some clothes, books and lot of cat stuff. How come she managed to organise a pack party for my welcome with in just few hours. And why the hell Liam didn't mention it to me. I will have to do something about it.

"Don't worry dear, I got you something as a gift. I am sure you will like it." She walks me through the back door of the pack house. Each and every person in the huge living room is just watching me and Luna Avery ushering me to the stairs.

It's so embarrassing, I never thought that I would be meeting my mate's extended family like this.


It's my 20th chapter.
Hope you like it.
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