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Scene. (Liam's apartment, Moon Knight Pack.)

"Her wolf's name is Anna." Leo mind links me. He is very excited to meet her wolf. I am jealous of him because he took over my human body and talked to my mate. His power cannot be underestimated as he is an Alpha and I cannot believe he even set up a date with our mate later this evening and even told her that he want to Mark her.

Marking a mate is one of the most sacred thing in our kind as it's a first step of mating process , which further leads to sex and love. Marking the mates makes our mate off-limits for other single wolfs and it gives us the right to claim our love for one another, which in return strengthens our mate bond. Our wolf would bond for lifetime and can even sense others thought and feelings through our mind link after the process of marking.

"Don't do anything stupid. She is not ready yet." I say even though he knows that I want to do the same, mark our mate, never let her leave our side and love her.
"I know you want to mark her so do I. I want us to be able to connect with one another on a deep level. I want her to be Luna of our pack. She is everything we need Liam." He says getting all emotional over his little speech.

I am pulled out from my deep thoughts by a knock on my front door. The person on the other end is very eager, as the knocks are more frequent than regular knocking. Eva walks out of the bathroom, looking all cute in her baby pink shirt and blue shorts, she eyes me in question. I walk over to the door and I can smell who is on the other side, it almost wants me to turn back and ignore the person.

"Open the door! I can sense you." She says and I know if I don't open my front door she will never let me off the hook. I hold my hand out and rotate the door handle, the door ajar opens. I see Catherine standing behind the threshold, she is all small and giddy. Maxwell, my best friend and Catherine's mate is standing behind her and I see them both smiling.

"Finally you found her. Who is she? I can sense her. You didn't even told us when you brought her to the pack house. Where is she i can't wait to meet her. Oh Liam you finally got what you wanted and I am so happy for you. " Catherine bounces on her feet in excitement and hugs me.


I turn my head back to the source of the sound and Catherine takes a step back away from me. It's Eva standing near the table. She has angry expression on her face, her forehead is wrinkled and her cute nose is all red. I see her brown eyes are changing in to black, her wolf is under the surface. "She is jealous and angry." Leo says through mind link. "You should try to calm our mate. Her anger is so cute and she is going all protective." He advises and I walk over to our cute angry mate and touch her arm. She melts in my arm and leans in for comfort. I didn't even realise that our mate bond was getting stronger and deeper with all the time I spent with her.

I mind link Maxwell to visit my mate other time and the beta pair quickly makes an exit.

I take in a deep breath and feel her calming down a bit. "Calm down. It's okay, everything is fine." I whisper in her ear and she buries her head in my chest. I feel so proud of my mate and I can feel my love for her growing in my heart. "You hungry? I can get you something from the kitchen." I try to pull away from her to get her something to eat but she pulls me closer shyly.

"I am sorry... Anna took over me and growled, she ... she didn't like you being close to another wolf in front of her. Even though she is mad at you but she wants to be with you. I am sorry if it embarrassed you, I won't..." she tried to explain but I look in her beautiful brown eyes and place my lips over hers. It's our first kiss and i am already addicted to it. She is stunned at first but she melts in to kiss after few seconds.

It was one of the mouth watering kiss I ever had and Eva looks strangled in our kiss when I end our first kiss, she involuntary swipes her tongue over her lips and my D*ck instantly hardens. I have strong urge to mark her now and here but I know she is not ready and I have to wait for a bit for her. I am all willing to wait for our beautiful mate because she is beautiful and worth it all. I take her hand in mine and walk her to my apartment kitchen.

I often dine in pack kitchen on the ground floor but being an Alpha of this pack has privileges like having personal kitchen in my huge apartment. I make her sit in one of bar stools beside the kitchen table. She is silent as if she is trying to understand what just happened to her. "You don't eat lunch together with your pack.?" She asks after a moment of hesitation.

"Yes, I do eat with them but it's my personal kitchen and I can eat where ever I like." I reply and crack two eggs in the bowl then i take out two bread slices and spread some salad on them.

"Won't your Alpha mind you not joining him with all pack.?" She asks innocently. Doesn't she know that I am Alpha of this pack. I place the fried egg over the salad dressing and cover it with second slice of the bread.

"Who do you think is the alpha of this pack, sweetheart?" I ask in my playfully voice. I place her sandwich on the counter top, near her and fill her a glass of orange juice. I watch her take a bit from the sandwich in fascination.

"Your father Alpha William." She says with her mouth full with sandwich. A broad smile spread over my face, and she asks me curiously. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Like what?"

"It's like you know something that I don't." she inquires.

"It might be true." I answer her vaguely.


It's my 17th chapter.
Hope you like it.
Let me know about your suggestions.

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MY ALPHA MATE.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat