Yeji is sent a death threat (requested)

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Yeji sighed as she reread the letter. It was a death threat towards you.

She placed it away to where you couldn't find it and went upstairs to find you still sleeping peacefully.

Yeji moved a stray hair from your face.
"Y/N I promise to keep you safe, I love you so much darling" Yeji quietly said and kissed your head.

It was a weekend and she wanted you to sleep in for a while since you have worked overtime the whole week. Your schedule was later in the day and you wanted to spend the time with Yeji but she insisted on you resting for a while instead.

You slowly opened your eyes to Yeji looking at you with a lightly smile on her face.

"Did I wake your baby?" She asked. You shook your head and stretched your arms.

"Hmm no, did you rest well too?" You ask and sat up against the headrest.

"Yeah, I slept well" Yeji chuckled and capped your face "you look so cute when you first wake up"

You chuckled while a small but noticeable blush colored your face. You tapped you lips with a playful pout.

Yeji leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips, but both of you kept smiling and giggling like high school lovers.

"Hey! Stop smiling when I'm trying to give you love" Yeji giggled and kiss your lips a few times more.

"Come on, let's get you some food for your growling tummy" Yeji poked your stomach and took your hand, guiding you down to the kitchen.

You snaked your arms around her waist and leaned your head upon her shoulder smelling her sweet scent which was your favorite.

You loved her smell, it makes you calm when you can just lay in her arms and cuddle into her neck.

"Your clingy today, are you feeling well?" Yeji turned and felt your forehead. You took her hand off and kissed it.

"I'm fine, can't I just hang on you whenever I want?" You chuckled with a smile.

"Of course you can, and your food is done. Wash your hands and I will bring it to the table" Yeji kissed the crown of your head and placed you food on the plate she had ready.

You hurried to the bathroom and washed your hands before returning to the table.

"Did you already eat?" You ask and took a bite of your food. It was amazing, your girlfriend can cook indeed. She just can't use the microwave.

You glanced into the kitchen where Yeji was. She was cleaning up the stove and getting to glasses for water.

"Yes I did, but I wanted yours to be fresh so I didn't make it until you were awake" Yeji placed a glass of water in front you.

"Thanks babe" you smiled and took a drink.

"Anything for my darling" Yeji sat down and watched you eat. It was a bit uncomfortable but you were used to it.

After you had ate and helped Yeji with the dishes, you went to shower. It was already time for you to leave for work soon.

You pouted as grabbed your keys, going over to Yeji to give her a hug before you left.

"I'll drive" Yeji took the keys for your hand and walked out the door. It left you in place and wondering what had gotten into her. Normally, she would stay home while you went to work or she would offer to drive. But this time she just took the keys and ran off.

"Y/N let's go! Don't want to be late!" You heard Yeji call from outside. You hurried down the steps to the car after locking the door behind you.

"How are you going to get home?" You asked her, breaking the deafening silence that was between you two.

"I'll pick you up from work tonight okay? I want you to have as much rest as possible" Yeji glanced over to you with a smile. She took your hand and kissed it before returning hers back to the wheel.

"Oh, okay" you smiled, still confused by her actions. You shook it out of your mind and gave Yeji a hug before going to work, she didn't leave until you were inside your workplace.

This went on for a while, you weren't sure what was going on. Why Yeji suddenly wouldn't let you go to work without her taking you and picking you up. She would even let you outside without, just to grab the mail.

But then you found something in a drawer while you were looking for a pen to write something down. It was a note, a death note.

It specifically was written for Yeji, for her to leave me, or I will be killed.

You decided to ask her what was going on.

"Yeji? Are you sure you're okay?" You sat next to her on the bed while she was reading a book.

"Of course honey, why do you ask?" Yeji smiled and placed her book down, giving her full attention to you.

"I found this in the drawer" you held up the note and you could see the panic in Yeji's eyes.

"Oh, that's's old" Yeji chuckled, it was fake. You knew when she was lying and when she wasn't.

"This is why you have been afraid to let me out on my own? You became my mother instead you know?" You sighed and held her hand.

"I was just afraid that the person who sent it was going to hurt you though" she said quietly and held her head down low.

"No one will hurt me, I won't allow them to hurt me. If I'm dead then who will take care of my baby? Hm?" You smiled to make her smile, you succeeded when you heard a small giggle from her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to freak you out" Yeji took the note and looked at it.

"We can take it to the police and have them deal with it okay?" You suggested and reached out your arms for Yeji to lie down in. She happily moved into your arms and cuddled into your neck.

You rubbed her back and held her tight. You were the one to protect her, that's what you have always done.

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