Plans Never Win

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Sapnap POV

I lit my hands and flicked my flames straight into the water ball. George slammed his hand down and the ball split into two lines. Dream lifted his hand and cold wind whipped up.
Oh shoot shoot shoot-

She uppercut a soldier and stab another's stomach. Her gaze shifted to the sky where two icicles glided toward us.
I slammed her to the ground as the flew above us.
"Uhh, hey Pandas?"

I elbowed a soldier's leg.
"Your uhh, leg."
She mumbled, a clear blush on her cheeks. I looked down and found that my knee was right in between her thighs.
"Shoot sorry."

Two soldiers jabbed down at us with their spears. I rolled us out of the way. The sound of their bodies hitting the ground whipped my head up. Two stars. Minx soon glided up next to us.
"We have to go! Y/N! Time for that metal barring!"

Drista and Puffy opened the barrier. Dream rose himself into the air to try and find us.
"Great. He can fly now."
Aunt Puffy's eyes widened and her hands started to tremble.
"Drista your mom!"

"Right! Mom hey hey! Look at me!"
A hand touched my arm. A spark filled my skin. Despite the chaos I still felt that fire she built in me.
I turned to her. But her face wasn't serious or scheming. Wasn't scanning the was crying for help. Her E/C eyes wide in fear, I felt the slight shake in her hand.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?"
Her eyes were welling with tears.
"I...I can't do it."
She barely whispered out.
"No no. Don't say that. You can do anything Y/N. Absolutely anything. Just focus your mind."
"I tried. Back there I tried but I can't feel it anymore. It's just this jagged stupid bone energy. I can't do it."

Alright Nick think.
Metal. Conductor. Dream in air and George using water.
I yanked Y/N to her feet. Grabbed her scythe. Tossed it straight into the icicles beelining for us.

"Okay Drista! Puffy! Your job is keeping Dream distracted! Lodge shots, chuck hammers something!"
Drista nodded and Aunt Puffy shook herself.
"Minx! Minx!"
I smashed a knee in and stabbed through two more with my blade.

The girl jumped down from the nearby balcony next to me.
"What's wrong with the Reaper?"
She kicked a soldier square in the chest,
"Not important right now! Get her into that portal! Now!"
I knelt back down to Y/N.
"Sweetheart listen. I need you to be strong. While you might not be able to control that metal like your Da or your GranDa, you can still win. Come on Y/N. Don't let make you into someone whose not special."

Her head slowly nodded. Minx grabbed her hand.
The icicles melted at my feet. I quickly made lasso of fire and sent it into the water, starting to steam up.
A knock drilled into my head.
Glowing green eyes met mine.
"Heh,hi George."

I kneed up into his gut. I started running through chaos and calamity.
"We get the gangs out. The Ruffians gang live here and are brutal. They use fights to further prove their valor. It's a great way to further your rank."

Where are they?
Where are they?!
I closed my eyes and reached out. The roar of energy in lanterns near the bay greeted me.
An absolute uproar of flames spiralled I got the air.

Dream dodged to the right from Aunt Puffy's bullet. Then his mask snapped to the fire. Soon after George stiffly made his way straight to the dock.
That's it. Take the bait.
I ran through the chaos. A wind swept up and harshly pulled me into the air.

The wind fell. I dropped and the air was knocked out of me. Puffy's gun had smoke in it.
She shot him to save me.
Drista grabbed her mom and started running.
I shoved them into the portal as Dream made his way to us, arms up to cut through me with his air.

The bars around the portal sprang into a firey light. Soldiers backed away and Dream stopped. Getting ready to try snuff the flames out. I leapt into the portal and watched as they swirled out of vision.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now