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Ae's POV:

Por seemed to recover well and was discharged from hospital. I took this opportunity to talk to Mae and return back to college. I had a lot of homework piled up and also assignments that were near due date.

I also had spoken to her about shifting into another apartment. I didn't disclose to her the actual reason but I told her the other reason for it. She had known Pond for quite some time and she had been aware about his behavior. So she agreed of me having my private place. I wanted to tell her about Pete but I want get things settled.

When I returned, I went to check the apartments and asked Pete to tag along. I was watching Pete's expression all the time when we entered the places. He didn't even realize the way he looked around the place. We were almost done visiting different apartments and Pete still didn't seem to like any of it.

We were now standing outside a tall building and I prayed internally that Pete should at least like this one. Because this was the last apartment left. The broker guided us towards the room and when he opened the door, I stole a glance towards Pete.

His facial expression showed that he liked the place and I was sure this should be the one. It was quite big for someone like me but my boyfriend seems to like it. Also, if we start spending time together, this place would be the perfect one for two.

The broker gave us a small detour and I finally settled on this one. "Why did you waste time showing us other places if you knew this one?" I asked the broker when Pete was busy checking the place. "Sir... I was showing you the places as per your budget. This one is bit expensive so I didn't bring you here. But since you rejected all the earlier ones, I thought maybe you need something better. If you could arrange the amount, you can shift into the apartment tomorrow itself." The broker replied.

I looked at Pete who was busy checking the place and then gestured the broker to walk after me. I had a small talk with him asking about the rent and all other things. He was right, the place was expensive but my boyfriend liked it and I was determined to buy this one.

I returned back inside the room to see my innocent baby very happy. I told the broker that I was ready to buy this one and he should give me little time to arrange the money.

While Pete remained busy exploring the place, I called my brother and asked him to send me some money with a promise to return it back to him soon. I knew he would help me and as expected, he did. The money was soon transferred into my account and I immediately asked the broker to complete the formalities.

The broker nodded in response and informed that he will complete everything soon and I could move into the new apartment. The next day, I got the call from the broker telling me that he was done with the formalities and I was required to sign the documents.

Without wasting any further time, I hurried to meet him and to finish up with everything. Once I was done, he handed me the key to my new apartment and I was all excited.

All my friends helped me in moving the stuff from my dorm to my apartment; even my cute boyfriend was very excited while helping me. Pond was crying so much that I was worried that he might get his eyes swollen. But.... He deserves it for making my life hell when we were staying together.

Firstly, for ruining my privacy; second for spoiling my sleep and third and the main reason; for interrupting me every time when I was with my boyfriend. This is the best lesson for him!!

I halted Pete back while everyone left the apartment. I wanted to spend some alone time with him. This was going to be our perfect place. I could spend as much time with him as possible and do things that were not possible earlier. I could talk with him without any interruption, I can be close to him all the time, cuddle with him.... Everything was possible now.

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