Chapter 45 - Smart Choices

Start from the beginning

"Kris, you press the button on the console at the same time as you push down the pedal." We heard them fiddle with the pedals, until finally Kristie spoke.

"Yes, okay, thanks babe."

"Have fun at your first training, my love," Sam said.

"Can you two stop being gross while I am here, thank you!" Indi said.

"Same here," I added.

They soon hung up the phone, but Sam started speaking in a serious tone.

"Have you heard the news?"

"What news?" I replied.

"About Jill and Indi?"

"No, what happened?"

"They seperated."

"Oh no, that's awful. How's Indi?"

"She's doing okay, but it was really rough. She'd been struggling." I immediately remembered the conversation I had with Indi the first Christmas I was in London, nearly two years earlier. I saw her scars, and she told me about her past. Something tells me that there is more to that girl than even meets the eyes.

"That girl is stronger than I will ever be," Sam said, and I could only help but nod in agreement.

When we arrived at training, I was greeted by all the faces that I hadn't seen in over a month.

"I've missed you," Millie said, walking up to me and Sam in the locker room, "you really ran off after the Euros."

"I just needed to get away," I said, honestly.

"Fair. Was Australia nice?"

"It was so beautiful."

"Ettles!" Erin screamed as she walked over to Millie, Sam and me.

"Ez!" I gave her a huge hug, smiling that I got to see my cute, Scottish friend again.

We started training and I soon remembered why I loved Chelsea so much. I loved the girls, the environment, and the coaches. Emma made me feel secure and comfortable, not only in my playing ability but in me. She gave me a confidence not many people gave me. She was the coach I wish I had when I was struggling at City.

Training allowed me to be clear of the worries that built up in my head. I wasn't focused on Hayley or Leah, but rather content and calm in the middle of the football pitch. The pitch was always my safe spot. It felt a sense of comfort that not many places could bring.

Over the next week, we trained daily to get prepared for the start of the season. Our first match was against Aston Villa, in Birmingham. It's not fun having away games, but road tripping is always a highlight.

The night before the first game of the season, I heard a knock at my door. I was surprised, as I wasn't expecting anyone. When I opened it, my heart dropped. Leah.

"Hi," she said, standing in the doorway.

"Hi?" I replied, confused.

"Can I come in?" She asked. I gestured her inside, very confused as to what this was.

"Do you want a coffee or...?" I asked her, trying to be welcoming, but not expecting her to take me up on the offer.

"No, that's alright. Thanks though." We both stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

"I'm going to say this bluntly," I said to her, "what do you want, Leah?"

"To talk," she replied, honestly.

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