our amusement park rides which was filled with excitements damn he is such a scary cat, our late night beach walks, his crazy pictures, our campfire nights, our outings in the endless road, the pictures he took of me, our visit to museums and his music classes for me, the friendship story of Jimin and him the cute moments of him and Jimin, and his time with his parents, our long car drives, his sleepy face everytime I wake him up for work or to do any other work each and every single thing of us was edited and stored in this video and he is making me crazily fall in love with him and with that I heard his shuffling in his sheet and I quickly closed the laptop and I went to wake him up

(end of JK's pov)

JK: tae .... Bear wake up we have leave to school get up

Tae: 2mins please please

JK: wake up tae .. if you are going to wake up soon I will get you ice cream

Tae: really *excited* then okay I am waking up

JK: now go and get ready

Tae: the ice cream is sure right .. you are not lying to me right?

JK: why would I sure I will get you

*and with that tae and JK got ready and they were on their way to school*

JK: tae what will I get if I treat you with two ice creams and you favorite Oreo mcflurry

Tae: are you serious JK *surprised*

JK: what will I get?

Tae: just tell me anything for you

JK: then can I get a piggy back ride

Tae: WHAT?!!

JK: did I ask something wrong or what?!

Tae: nooo noo I was just thinking how can I take a pig itself for a piggy back ride *laughs*


Tae: aishh fluffy I was just joking come one


Tae: I am sorry *acting cute*

JK: no not that eyes I am not falling for it

Tae: please *cute*

JK: aish okay okay

Tae: don't worry I can give you how much ever piggy back rides you ask me okay

*and with that they both reached school*

JM: hey my alien good morning

Tae: morning weirdo .. so how did the project go

JM: good and you?

Tae: good too

*and with that the teacher entered the class*

Teacher: so students good morning did everyone complete their projects?

Students: yes mam

Teacher: good so then lets start without wasting any time

*with that the whole class started with their projects each ones project was different all eyes were on the students and the project but tae was looking at JK and finally it was Jimin's and Yoongi's turn and they did a very great job in it and then finally the teacher called JK and tae*

(Tae's POV)

I was so fucking nervous when the teacher called out name and JK held me hand and he took me to the front

JK: Good morning to one and all present here

And witht hat our project was played in the projector and all I saw was smiles in everyone's face and the brightest smile was in his face in flick of seconds our 3 weeks beautiful memories as video came to an end and Jk began to speak

JK: I didn't know what happiness was unless and until one day one person told me about it *and looks at tae* ya that person taught me what happiness is and that is the result of this video we didn't know what to do we did everything we liked and everything we wanted and when we created this video with all our memories the smiles on our faces were true happiness and it is a feeling and that was given to me by him *points at tae* thankyou tae for letting me know what happiness is and thankyou for being my happiness *smiles at him*

I was totally lost and my eyes started to tear up he cares for me he makes me smile Jk how in the world will I tell you I love you falling for your friend is the worst in this world because we cant ruin everything by telling those three words but I still love you now I just feel like taking you in my arms and never wanting to let you go JK but I am so scared and we both made an eye contact and I saw his eyes were teared up too

(End of tae's pov)

(JK's POV)

How in the earth I will tell you I love you tae its hurting me and killing me every day its worst fall in love with your friend and now I feel like I want to take you in my arms and doesn't want to let you go hut how will I and I looked at him and his eyes were already fixed on mine

(end of JK's pov)

*their thoughts were interrupted by the clap sound of the class*

JM: well done my boy .. I am so proud of you

Tae: proud of you too

*with that the bell rang*

JK: thankyou tae

Tae: *pulls JK in a hug* don't thank me I should thank you for entering into my life

JK: *hugs back* never leave me and go *teared up*

Tae: I wont and I will never let anyone to hurt you nor tease you nor to irritate you because only I have rights and only I can do *breaks the hug*

Yoongi: if all is over then can we go to the cafeteria I am so hungry

JM: aishh my baby is hungry .. it seems lets go come


JM: but I love to tease you though *giggles*

*with that everyone laughed and they went to have their lunch and the rest of the day went like that and the school was over*

JK: hey tae here is your ice cream

Tae: wait?! What? I thought you forgot about it

JK: how in the earth I will forget about it when I promised my bear

Tae: uhnn thankyou and you are the best *eats the ice cream* okay come sit on my back now

JK: for what?

Tae: you asked me for a piggy back ride na?

JK: its okay I asked for fun only *chuckles*

Tae: its okay even if it for fun I want to give you a piggy back ride

*and with that Tae carried Jk and they both ran down the streets all happy and their smiles and laughter's were filled everywhere*

JK: *mind voice* my hands wrapped around him I feel like I won everything in life feels like I never need anything in my life anymore I just need him and then I don't need anything he stole my everything without a warning whether he loves me or not I will always belong to him just him only him *hugs tae tight*


-Another Chance- [A taekook ff - completed]Where stories live. Discover now