Beautifully Broken🥀

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Lisa POV

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Lisa POV

"I can't do it without you! We need you. Jungkook please!" The teary eye girl begged as she witnessed the furious boy standing over her.

"You're better off without me, I'll give you the amount of money you need, but I just can't be in the Child life. I'm too young to be a father, I have a future that I can't possibly just give up," Jungkook admitted just for the short-haired girl to break down even more.

"You can't possibly leave me with our unborn child, we did this together! We need to do this together!" Lisa cried as she tried to reach for the guy.

"Just get rid of it! You know what, never mind it's not my problem anymore," The tall guy confess as he walked out leaving the girl to sob uncontrollably.

6:50 AM

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up, we need to get going," My 3-year-old son shrieked with panicked eyes as he sees me still half asleep. I let out a loud groan right after I got up from the soft mattress, "Ugh! Why do I keep dreaming about the stupid past," I mumbled quietly that way my son didn't catch it.

"Mommy was having a scary dream?" Hansol question just for me to smile at how cute this tiny human being is.

"Yes, but mommy is tough she's not scared of any monster," I replied while getting up to carry my son to the bathroom to get us ready for the day. My innocent 3-year-old son kept on talking about the monster in my dream which only made me laugh at how talkative he is.

Hansol and I were done approximately at 8:00 on the dot while we finish up our last breakfast bite before I could take him to daycare as I go to school and then to work. Luckily, Hansol school isn't far from our apartment which was about 15 minutes of walk, and my work is another 10 minutes away from his school which was such a good thing working close by my son's school.

"Alright! handsome, we're here," I let an excited tone out to somewhat pump up my son who has a rough time letting me go.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school," He admitted with a frown on his face.

"I know baby, but mommy has to go to school just like you, after school I go to work and then I come to pick you up," I did the best I could to help my 3-year-old son to let me go.

I pulled away from the hug to met his round eyes staring back at me, "We could get ice cream after school, how about that?" I manage to give him an exciting look just for him to finally let me go upon hearing ice cream out of my mouth.

"Deal! Mommy and Hansol will have Ice cream after school," I said giving him kisses all over his face alongside a tight hug.

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