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      "Daryl, you've been drinking." She said, placing her hand over his that held a keychain with the word 'Dennis' on it.

      He yanked his hand away, looking up at her with a scowl on his face, "Fuckin' shut up an' grab yer stuff.".

      She quickly nodded, rushing inside and grabbing her bag and crossbow before hopping on his bike behind him without a word, wrapping her arms around his lower waist.

      He sped off to the front gate, and all she could smell off of him was whiskey, anger, and grief...

      He stopped his bike, putting the kickstand down as he hopped off.

      "Stay here." He grumbled, walking up to the gate.

      "Where are you and Taylor going?" Rosita asked him as he rolled the covering off the gate.

      "Out." He simply replied.

     "No shit." Abraham said, turning to Taylor, "He got any specifics?".

      She shrugged, "I have no idea where we're going, Abe.".

      "Daryl, you're drunk. I can smell the fucking alcohol off of you from a mile away. Why don't you go lay down and get some rest." Jordyn suggested as she walked up.

      "Shut yer damn mouth, bitch!" Daryl yelled at her after opening the gate.

      He angrily got on his bike, kicking the kickstand up before speeding off.

      "Daryl, what the fuck!?" She yelled after him.


walking out in the middle of nowhere for what seemed like hours, and he had yet to speak a single word to her.

      "Daryl, please, talk to me!" She pleaded, grabbing his hand.

      Within an instant, the back of his hand met her cheek and she cried out in pain, wincing as she placed her hand over the mark.

      "Don' touch me!" He yelled at her.

Tears forming in her eyes, she said, " 'I promise, babygirl. I'll never hit you. Ever.'. Those were the words you said back at the prison to me after Merle slapped the shit out of me. You fuckin promised me you'd never do what he did, but look what you go and do.".

He didn't respond, the two hearing rustling in the woods as Daryl aimed his crossbow at the source and shot an arrow.

She watched it lodge into the tree right next to Rosita, and she angrily pulled it out as Daryl walked up to her, Glenn, Michonne, Jordyn, and Kenny.

"Watch the hell out, asshole." Rosita spat at him.

"I did." He grumbled, snatching his arrow from her, "Ya shouldn't have come.".

"You and Taylor shouldn't have left." Michonne argued.

He turned back to the six, "When me an' Taylor split off from Sasha an' Abraham, he was out there in the woods, in that burned-out forest wit' 'em girls, put a gun to our heads, tied us up! We even tried ta' help him.".

He then stormed off, Taylor following behind him as Glenn said, "So, you think it's your fault!?".

      "Yeah, I know it is." Daryl muttered as he walked up to him before turning back around and storming off, "Me an' Taylor are gonna go do what we shoulda done before.".

     "What, for her? She's gone, man. You and Taylor are doing this for yourself." Glenn pointed out.

      "Man, I don' give a shit." Daryl grumbled, walking off, but Glenn caught up to him.

      "Daryl...we beed to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you and Taylor, and everyone there needs us right now. It's...it's gonna go wrong out there.".

      "We'll square it." Michonne spoke up, "I will. I promise you, the both of you. Just come back.".

     "Did you slap her?" Jordyn asked, gesturing to Taylor's cheek.

     He stayed silent, as Taylor spoke up, "He didn't mean it. I fucked up.".

      "Daryl, c'mon, man. Just come back." Kenny said.

      Daryl looked between Kenny and Glenn, "I can't.".

     He began walking off, Glenn pressing on, "Daryl.".

    "Man, I can't!" He yelled, grabbing Taylor's hand as he dragged her off further with him into the woods.


now, and as they continued through the woods,  they ended up finding Michonne, Glenn, Jordyn, and Kenny tied up.

     Glenn shook his head, and Daryl placd a finger over his mouth, signaling for him to stay quiet.

      'Why do I have a bad feeling about this...' Taylor thought.

As Daryl aimed his crossbow and Taylor aimed her's, she heard the click of a gun from behind them.

"Hi, Daryl, Taylor." It was Dwight, the same asshole who took Daryl's fucking bike, crossbow, and her gun.

Then, a shot rang out, and she watched it go through Daryl's upper right shoulder, as she dropped his crossbow and fell to the ground, the blood splattering onto her face as she stared in horror.

"Oh my god..." She felt sick, "Daryl...Daryl please...".

As she went to rip the sleeve of her hoodie, Dwight aimed the gun at her now, "Don't fucking move.".

"You asshole! He's bleeding out! I have to help him!" She cried, ripping the sleeve of her hoodie.

The back of the gun met her head and she was knocked out, falling beside Daryl.


To Be Continued...
Word Count: 1195

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