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"you think they'll take him?" v asks watching out the window. "you alright?" ian says sitting next to y/n. "yeah." y/n sighs. "they're leaving." lip says and they all rush out the door and stand on the path. monica slowly walks over and hands y/n liam, sobbing as she walks away. "hey mom." y/n shouts and monica looks back.

"thank you." she says watching as the two drive off in the truck. "okay, off to bed." fiona says leading all of them into the house. "they're all in bed." fiona says walking downstairs where y/n, lip and ian are sitting drinking beer. "when did being a gallagher be so... complicated." y/n says. "it's always been complicated, you just worked it out." fiona laughs.

"oh and y/n, nice hickeys." lip smirks. "shut up." y/n says. "wait wait wait, who is this kid." fiona says. "a kid from school." y/n shrugs. "southside?" fiona asks. "maybe." y/n replies. "speaking of southside, need to meet mandy." y/n says. "you come back with any more hickeys, and i'll break his bones." lip says.

"no you won't." y/n scoffs. "you're right he won't, but i will." ian smiles. "yeah yeah, love you guys." y/n laughs leaving the house. the moment she walked to the milkovich house she knocked on the door and mickey answered. "mandy here?" she asks. "uh, yeah in the living room." he says, y/n smiles and walks into the living room.

"hey y/n." mandy smiles. "hey mands." y/n says. "so?" mandy asks. "they didn't take liam." she smiles. "that's great." mandy jumps up to hug her. "but we found out... me and ian aren't frank's kids." y/n says. "what the fuck?" mandy says. "be grateful your not his." mickey says going to get another beer. "no we're one of his fucking brother's kids." y/n says.

"your mom slept with frank's brother?" mandy says. "frank has a brother?" mickey says. "he has three brothers." y/n says. "she fucked all three?" mandy asks. "that's what she told us, apparently she was 'really getting around' that year, but the DNA results said it was one of frank's close relatives." y/n says.

"shit, your mom's a whore." mickey laughs. "tell me about it." y/n says. "they left like an hour ago, monica gave liam back and they got into the truck and drove away." she adds. "was her girlfriend pissed?" mandy asks. "no question, 100%. but she thinks she can come and take my baby brother?" y/n says.

"family first." mickey shrugs. "oh yeah, is that why you went after ian with the bat?" y/n scoffs. "it's not my fault mandy lied." mickey says rolling his eyes. "hey, i didn't lie, i just twisted the truth. but now look, he's my boyfriend." mandy says. "twisted the truth my ass." y/n says. "i hate you both so much sometimes." mickey says.

"sometimes, bitch i hate you all the time." y/n says. "but y/n, i thought we were becoming really good friends." mickey says. "oh but that was in your head." y/n says. "let me tell you, you definitely are becoming friends, at one point you couldn't stand eachother." mandy says. "i still can't stand him." y/n says.

"yeah yeah." mandy laughs. "you staying over?" she adds. "the kids." y/n says. "your acting as if fiona isn't there, or lip, or ian." mandy says. "fine, but if i go to jail you better get that bail money." y/n says. "why would you go to jail?" mandy asks. "murdering your brother in his sleep." y/n grins. "me?" mickey says. "yes you." y/n says.

"it's obviously not gonna be the other two, they aren't here." mandy says. "oh yeah, mickey." y/n says. "yeah." he replies. "think you can get some weed for me?" y/n asks. "yeah whatever." he shrugs. "wanna go meet ian with me?" mandy asks. "tired." y/n yawns. "i'll be back later." she smiles hugging her best friend.

"love you." she says. "love you too." y/n smiles, and with that mandy left. "weed huh?" mickey says. "just get me some." y/n says throwing a 20 at him. "damn okay." he says. "if you need me, i'll be out." y/n says walking to the front door. "the fuck you going this late." mickey asks following her outside. "out." she smiles.

"hey ned." she says walking into the room. "hey y/n, what's wrong?" he asks. "nothing." she smirks. and yeah they um... idk? "here, i got you this." he says handing her a bag. "i-it's a louis vutton bag.." she says in shock. "yeah." he nods. before she could answer her phone starts ringing.

"hey mickey, what's... going on?" y/n says confused. "get the fuck back here, mandy's gonna be home soon and if your not home then we'll both be in shit." he says. "jesus fine, i'll be back in a bit." she says, and without replying mickey hangs up. "brother?" ned asks. "best friends brother, she's on her way home and i told her i was tired, so i gotta get back before she does." y/n says.

"i'll drop you." he says. she quickly gets ready and grabs her things, as he does too and they both go down to his car, and he drives to the milkovich house and she jumps out. "thanks." she says before running up to the door and inside the house.

"holy shit, you steal that?" mickey laughs. "no, got given it." y/n says walking into mandy's room and changing into some of her clothes. "jesus by who?" mickey asks as she goes to grab a beer. "a friend?" she says sitting next to him on the couch. "yeah a friend?" he asks looking at her.

"yeah." she says as he pulls her onto his lap. "tell me about this friend." he says connecting his lips to her neck. "i'm home!" mandy shouts.

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