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she knocks on the door but no one answers so she quietly opens the door and grabs the crowbar which is near to their entrance and makes her way to mickey's room.

she pushes the crowbar into his back making him groan and turn over to look at her. "the fuck you doing here gallagher?" mickey says. "give me the fucking gun." y/n says. "i don't appreciate you waking me up, why the fuck did you come so early." mickey asks sitting up.

y/n swings for him but he grabs her wrist and stands up. "think your tough?" he laughs pushing her onto the bed and grabbing the crowbar off of her. he lifts it up as if he's going to hit her and y/n squeezes her eyes shut ready for the pain that never comes.

she slowly opens her eyes and makes eye contact with him and he pulls of his top, and she stands up and does too. then they do the 'deed' and are laying in bed next to eachother when terry walks in to use the toilet.

y/n and mickey look at eachother and remain silent. "get some clothes on, people might think your doing some porno or something." terry remarks without looking and walking out of the room.

y/n quickly gets up to change and as she put her top back on she sees mickey holding the gun. y/n goes to kiss him but he turns away. "try to kiss me and i'll cut your fucking tongue out." he says giving her the gun. y/n rolls her eyes and climbs out of his window and walks to the store. "you're 30 minutes late." kash says. y/n pulls the gun from her waistband and throws it onto the counter.

"how did you-" ian says. "i have my ways." y/n says restocking the tins. after work y/n and ian go home. "how'd you get the gun?" ian asks. "i asked mickey for it and he gave it to me." y/n shrugs. "i don't believe that." ian scoffs. "okay i might of had a weapon." y/n says.

the rest of the night was the usual, everyone got home including fiona and steve, y/n made dinner, she got the kids ready for bed and then they all went to sleep.

the weekend was the same boring thing everytime, work and looking after the kids.

it got interesting on monday. y/n woke up at 6am and got ready for work, she went downstairs to make breakfast and woke everyone up and made them shower, she put liam in his chair and he ate his food and drunk his juice, as everyone else did.

she made everyones lunches, and they soon set off for school, a normal day in the gallagher household. when y/n got to work kash wasn't there but there was a note on the counter.

dear y/n,
i know ian started school again and you're doing the morning shifts still. kash and i have decided to take a break for a day or two so we can resolve our issues in our relationship, which means you need to run the store yourself.

y/n put the note in her pocket and started restocking the chocolate shelf when mickey walked in. "where's my friends?" mickey asks. "you haven't got any." y/n says. "very funny gallagher, where's your brother and that child fucker?" mickey says. "ian started school again, kash is with linda or something. why?" y/n says.

"and your not at school?" he says. "schools usually shit on the first week back, and your suppose to be at school too." y/n says. "yeah well, can you show me if you have some orange juice out back?" mickey says locking the door.

"what the hell." kash shouts knocking on the door. "fuck." y/n says pulling her underwear and trousers up, mickey doing the same. mickey runs out and barges kash. "are you seriously fucking him?" kash shouts. "bro you fuck children, at least he's my age. what are you doing here anyway?" y/n asks.

"i was gonna see if you were here but looks like you weren't the only one here." kash says. "shut the fuck up, you literally had sex with my 15 year old brother and your like 1000 years old." y/n says. "atleast i'm not fucking a milkovich." he shrugs. "no you were fucking a gallagher, let me tell you, gallaghers are way worse." y/n smiles returning to the shelf she was restocking.

"and, tell linda i'm working night shifts too." y/n smirks. "are you fucking with me?" kash says. "i'd rather find another 50 year old man to sleep with." y/n says. and she did that alright. "oh before i forget, have fun with resolving your issues." y/n winks.

kash walks out slamming the door and y/n laughs to herself and continues restocking the shelves. after another hour of serving customers and restocking the shelves she decides to take her break. "gallagher, you better get that bitch to keep quiet." mickey says storming into the store.

"chill, it's all good, he's not gonna say anything." y/n says. "yeah and how'd you know?" mickey says grabbing a bar of chocolate. "mickey he paid me 19,000 to keep quiet about him fucking underage boys, you really think he'll tell people that mickey milkovich is fucking a gallagher, he can't even stop you from shoplifting." y/n scoffs.

"he paid you 19,000?" mickey says. "yeah, all of it's gone though." y/n shrugs. "and he gave that to you when?" mickey asks. "yesterday." y/n replies. "yesterday and you spent it all?!" mickey says. "sorry i need to provide for my family and pay the bills cause fiona is too busy fucking some rich guy who she's only been dating a week or something." y/n says.

"is kash working tonight?" mickey asks. "probably?" y/n shrugs. "good." mickey smirks leaving the store.

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