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"we didn't. y/n got the money." fiona shrugs. "lip, me you and y/n are taking a trip to the alibi tonight." ian says. "what about us?" debbie asks. "fiona's here." y/n says. "but i'm going out with steve.." fiona says.

"are you fucking kidding me, that whole 'i'm gonna be there from now on' bullshit was a lie?" ian shouts. "and what were these plans?" lip asks. "we were gonna go to the arcade." fiona says quietly. "well that's so fun." y/n says sarcastically collecting the dirty dishes and putting them in the sink.

"have fun at the arcade." y/n smiles lifting liam out of his chair. "debs, carl take turns to go in the shower." lip says. "debs you first." carl says. "fine." debbie says going up to the bathroom. "carl you better shower after or you don't go anywhere tomorrow." y/n says. "i will, i promise." he says going up to his room.

"now little man let's get you changed." y/n says laying liam on his changing mat. "lip throw me a nappy, and wipes." y/n says. he gives her the nappy and wipes, and gives liam a toy to play with.

ian gets the nappy and puts it in a nappy sack then takes the bin bag out of the bin and takes it outside. "hey guys!" v says walking inside with kev. "hey v hey kev." y/n smiles putting liams pajamas on. "shit who did you guys rob for this food." v says eating leftovers. "y/n made it, and no one robbed anything." lip says.

"i thought you had no money." kev says looking at fiona who's still sitting at the table. "oh fiona doesn't." y/n says. "then how." kev says pointing to the food. "y/n bought it." ian says shutting the door. "did you rob the bank or something." v gasps. "no v, i have my ways." y/n smirks.

"drugs?" kev says. "no." y/n answers putting liam in his cot. "sex?" v says. "fuck no, i worked for it." y/n shrugs. "yeah we'll believe that for now." v says sitting on the couch. "heck yeah you will." y/n says sitting next to lip on the floor.

"what's up with fiona?" veronica asks quietly. "oh y/n had an argument about her barely helping and being here and she said she'll start helping and being here, but when me, lip and y/n said she can watch deb, carl and liam while we go to the alibi to catch up, fiona said she was too busy going to the arcade with steve." ian explains.

"bring the kids to the bar." kev shrugs. "really a 18 month old, a 10 year old and an 11 year old?" y/n says. "dumb idea kev." lip says. "how about i watch them and get them to sleep while you guys have the night off." v offers. "really?" ian asks. "of course your all my little babies, go take a break." v smiles.

y/n, ian and lip hug her. "thank you." y/n says. "you're welcome, now kev take them." v says. "okay, alright, let's go." kev says. the four of them leave and find steve pulling up to the house. "is fiona in?" he asks. "no she's having sex with our neighbour." y/n says sarcastically.

"but kev and v are your neighbours.." steve says. "how dumb are you." y/n says walking away. "kev have you seen frank?" lip asks. "yeah, he's been at the alibi, apparently living with some woman called sheila and her daughter, her name starts with a k or something." kev shrugs. "sheila, karen's mom?" lip says.

"yeah, karen that's it." kev says. "holy fuck." ian says. "he's living with the girl that gave ian head and is now hooking up with lip?" y/n says. "apparently so." kev says opening the alibi door.

the three underaged kids sit on the stalls next to kermit the frog and tommy. "ah the gallagher siblings, always a surprise." kermit says. "your dads not here yet." tommy says. "okay, you think we care?" y/n laughs turning her back to the grown men.

"so, what have i missed?" lip says drinking the beer kev had provided for him. "y/n found out me and kash were sleeping together so she blackmailed him for money and then told linda she caught her sleeping with some guy from school." ian explains quietly.

"holy shit, how much money?" lip says. "around 19,000 in total." y/n smirks. "you're kidding." lip says. "nope, bought the groceries, payed the bills." y/n shrugs. "also i had an encounter with mickey." lip says. "that's where you got them bruises and cuts from?" y/n asks recieving a nod from him.

"he was looking for ian yesterday when i was with karen and then he beat me up." lip explains. "shit it's all sorted now, i told mandy i'm gay and now she's pretending to be my girlfriend." ian says.

they continue talking and y/n's phone rings. "hello?" y/n says. "y/n, hey can you and ian try to get to the store earlier tomorrow, we need to have a meeting before it opens." linda says. "yeah of course linda, we'll see you tomorrow." y/n says. "thanks." she replies hanging up the phone.

"who was it?" ian asks. "linda wants us to get to the store earlier tomorrow for some meeting." y/n shrugs. "can't stay here long then." lip says. "the other day when we were talking about monica." lip says. "monica left when fiona was 16, you were 11 me and ian were 10, debs was 7, carl was 5 and liam was 1 month. me, you and ian took care of the others, fiona was out hooking up with boys and frank was drinking." y/n shrugs.

"monica left with someone else." ian says. "fiona barely helped, and when she did she didn't help for months after that." y/n says. "yeah, and she takes all the responsibilities for them, when it's us who raised them." ian agrees.

after an hour of the three siblings... plus kev at times talking they get home and go to sleep.

y/n wakes up at 5am and has a shower, then she cleans up the house and does the dishes. after that, she makes breakfast and puts it on the table. she then makes lunches.

"debs, wake up." y/n says going into her room to get liam. "morning little buddy." y/n smiles lifting him up. "debs, up." y/n says tapping her and walking out to the boys room. "lip, up." y/n says tapping his shoulder. "carl up now." y/n says shaking him. "ian you definitely need to get up." y/n says.

"fiona get the fuck up." y/n shouts kicking her door. y/n goes downstairs and puts liam in his chair. "there you go, little man your big boy cup." y/n smiles giving him his orange juice then sitting next to him on a chair and eating her breakfast while the others get ready and come down to eat too.

"cps are on their way." fiona says coming downstairs with steve of course. "why is he here, he isn't family." debbie says. "debs i'm going it's okay." steve says. "my name isn't debs to you it's debbie." she says. "sorry, debbie i'm going." steve says kissing fiona then leaving the house.

"right so, cps is coming at 7:15, then i need to meet steve at 7:45." fiona says. "now, before you guys go to school, we need the bill money." fiona says putting a box on the table. "guys we need the money for bills." fiona adds.

"me and ian already paid it." y/n shrugs. "what the hell, it was like 2000." fiona says. "yeah and we dealt with it, you would know if you were here." ian says. after everyone finished eating y/n washed the dishes while carl dried them and debbie put them away.

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