"But Evelyn hated vampires as much as Aerilyn did, yet she's realised very quickly" he questioned.

"Yes, but it was under different circumstances, I didn't hate them as much as I thought I did, plus I've had more experience in that department than Aerilyn has, she hasn't even had her first kiss" Evelyn admitted.

"She can't just tell her upfront, it has to happen naturally, her majesty doesn't want it forced or any pressure on Aerilyn" Luanna smiled as she looked over at the pair, she was so happy for her best friend, she knew how much it meant to her.

At first Luanna thought there was something wrong with the bond, but clearly Aerilyn was inexperienced and Solenne hadn't been very forthcoming. "Well when is she going to realise and what does this mean for our species?" he inquired. What they did not know was that during the time Eli had spent at the resistance camp he had become brainwashed into thinking every single vampire breathing was a problem but he was very good at playing it down about how much he hated them.

He was flying under their radar. "not now, we will speak about it another time, lets just enjoy the time we have together" Eli got up and walked over to Aerilyn who was sat very closely to the Queen, he held her hand up to the girl. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to take your pet for a walk" Solenne grimaced at the implication of the word and how it was used. Solenne went to stand up but Eli held his hand up.

"Alone" Eli wanted to speak to Aerilyn without anyone there, even Evelyn.

Aerilyn looked to Solenne as if she was still a prisoner which killed the Queen that little bit more inside but she wasn't going to show it. "as long as this walk doesn't include jumping over any walls, a guard can go with you too" Solenne spoke sarcastically but with a hint of seriousness.

At that Aerilyn stood up and had Eli help hold her up, she was still injured but the blood had helped somewhat, she just needed to support her weight a little bit on her brother. "will you be okay Ev? We wont be long" Aerilyn didn't like to leave her bestfriend out but she knew she was in capable hands.

Evelyn nodded smiling at them "a room full of vampires, what more could I want, I'll see you in a bit" she ushered them off.

They had agreed only one guard would go with them and he kept his distance to not intrude on their conversation. Making their way to the beautiful gardens they sat down on a bench amongst the blooming flowers. "it's okay Eli, we are alone you can speak" Aerilyn assured her brother.

"I've missed you" he admitted as he played with the hem of his shirt.

Aerilyn had noticed his hair had grown a little longer and his freckles had appeared, he looked stronger and more mature, as if since she last saw him he had grown up and matured a lot. "I've missed you too, is Saryn okay?"

Eli nodded "yes he didn't come to fight but he's fine. This is all a lot to take in you know, I just can't trust them" she knew what "them" he had meant.

Aerilyn looked around her at the beauty of the garden, the bright colours, the buzzing of the insects, she truly felt like she could relax for the first time. "I know, I felt the same when I first arrived, but Solenne has shown me nothing but kindness and they aren't like the rest of them" and that was true.

Eli didn't believe her, somehow the two had managed to grow apart in their time away from each other, they didn't see eye to eye anymore, Eli thought his sister was weak for giving in and accepting the vampires. "I can't stay here Lyn, I have to go back and I would rather you went with me, you aren't a prisoner anymore she said that herself, you are free" he carried on.

The Queen's everything gxgحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن