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New Year 2016. In a few hours, Taylor and Joe will enter 2017. Together. It's already official. They got married this fall. In secret from everyone. There were 50 guests at the wedding. Close to Taylor and Joe, that's all. Taylor didn't make a public appearance until early October. And she felt just fine. She looked at the pink wig in her hair. Their friends would arrive at this rented house to celebrate the new year in an hour. And the grand party would begin. She looked at the ring on her finger. Still couldn't believe she had married Joe.
- Mrs. Alwyn, are you still standing in front of the mirror?-asked Joe from the bathroom.
She smiled, he liked to call her Mrs. Alwyn, though she kept her last name. But that didn't change anything. She walked into the bathroom. Joe was shaving. She looked him over.
- I never thought you'd look so good with pink hair.
- Do you think I should dye it?
- I'm still reeling from your bleached hair.
- So what if I bleached my hair wrong. The main thing is that for a while I really liked the way I looked.
Taylor walked over to him. He was shaving carefully. She kissed his hand and he smiled.Taylor took out her phone and started taking pictures. Taylor and Joe, who is shaving. Joe took the phone out of her hand and kissed her hard. Then when he was done he kissed her again.
- Let's go, guests will be here soon.
She took his hand and they walked down to the first floor together. Joe looked around the rooms. How beautifully he and Taylor had decorated everything. The cocktails Taylor made or ordered were poured into glasses decorated in a New Year's style. Glowing garlands created a New Year's Eve atmosphere. Taylor and Joe hung them literally everywhere: on the railing, ceiling and walls, along cabinets and doorways and, of course, on the Christmas tree.The guests will be pleasantly surprised by the fir branches braiding the mirror, for greater effect. Joe was still smiling as Taylor pricked her fingers but still did as she intended. New Year's greetings written in red lipstick on glass were an interesting interior detail. They printed out a lot of family photos, and photos with their friends.
A short time later Joe asked Taylor:
- Taylor, what are you drinking?
- You know I want a Pepsi.
- Okay. What kind of alcohol?
- I don't know. So far I don't want alcohol, I just want a Pepsi.
- Okay.
Joe handed her a glass of Pepsi and they went to their friends. They had fun, but Taylor didn't drink alcohol. When there was a minute left in the new year Taylor took Joe by the hand and led her to an empty room.
- Taylor what is it? Come on, New Year's Eve is coming up. We don't even have champagne in our hands. Our friends are waiting for us.
-I want to spend New Year's here.
- Here?! Taylor's in the next room with a group of friends we invited to spend New Year's Eve with us.
- I know, but I want us to be here.
People in the next room are counting down the last seconds.
- No, taylor, wait, let me at least go out there.
- No.
Taylor went over and locked the door.
- Taylor, you're scaring me. Can you please tell me what the hell is going on?
People started screaming 9,8...
Taylor took an envelope from the table and handed it to Joe. A plain white envelope with no writing on it. He opened it and pulled out...a positive pregnancy test
-3,2,1! Happy New Year! the people in the next room yelled.
And Joe just stared blankly at the positive pregnancy test in his hands and heard nothing around him. Taylor touched his hand and he flinched:
- is that what I think it is?
- If you mean is it a positive pregnancy test, then my answer is yes.
- God...you're pregnant...my wife is pregnant...
- I thought you'd be happy.
- I am! I'm damn glad! This...this is the best New Year's present ever! You and I are having a baby!
She put her arms around her.
And he spoke confusedly:
- Don't think I'm not happy. I've thought about wanting children with you, but I didn't know how to tell you. I wasn't sure because you had a career.
- There you go. I'm pregnant!
- and I'm so happy! I'm gonna be a father.
She kissed him.
- We're gonna be parents.
- I'm shocked... that's great news. How long have you known?
- I found out yesterday.
- But why didn't you tell me right away?
- I wanted to, but I thought it would be better if I told you today. I just can't believe it myself yet.
Joe was pacing around the room.
- What flower store do you think is open?
- What does a flower store have to do with anything?
- I have to pay you for a bouquet of flowers.
- What for?!
- That's... that's news.
- It doesn't have to be Joe.
He took a deep breath. Then he smiled and walked over to Taylor.Gently ran his hand over her stomach. He kissed her belly.
- I don't know if we're having a boy or a girl, but know that I'm your daddy and I love you- he said to her belly.
- and mommy loves you, too.
Joe took her hand and they left the room together. With happy faces.
- Taylor, Joe, where have you been?! We've been looking for you and we had a New Year's Eve without you.
- I don't care about New Year's Eve.
Joe looked at Taylor. They won't tell them. Not now.Taylor and Joe did not respond to their friends' inquiries, so they were soon abandoned when they realized they would learn nothing from them. Joe leaned over to Taylor and said quietly:
-I love you and I already love that little man in your belly, even though I don't know him or her yet, but we made it together and I think we will be good parents.
They look into each other's eyes and there is pure love in them. Joe leans toward her, their lips reconnecting. He grips her waist gently with his hands, afraid to do anything wrong. His tongue penetrates her mouth, making the kiss deep and passionate.
Later they returned to their friends, still not letting go of each other and constantly looking at each other with mysterious glances, for they had a major secret. That only their families would know. Joe watched her chatting with her friends, he would protect her. And their baby. They would do anything for his or her happy childhood. Or theirs, what if they have twins? He realized that he wasn't really intimidated by the prospect of fatherhood,it was exciting and a little scary but what was scary was that he didn't know anything. Not about pregnant women, not about diapers. Babies have to have their diapers changed, after all. But they have nine months to learn and each other. He smiled knowing he would remember this New Year's Eve for a long time.

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