I love you

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Taylor opened her eyes. There was barely any sunlight in the room because of the large, dark curtains. She looked around the room for the clock, but didn't see it. It was about eight o'clock in the morning, she felt. Taylor usually got up earlier, but Joe's calm breathing, his warm body dragging her back to sleep. She looked at Joe's arm around her waist and gently pulled it away. Joe rolled over onto his other side without waking up. Taylor smiled and looked at him. Disheveled white hair, muscular arms, broad chest, he was all hers. She looked around for her shirt, but she couldn't find it. Carefully, trying not to make any noise, she got out of bed and stretched. She looked and saw Joe's warm, red-checked shirt, the one he'd been wearing on the plane yesterday. She took it, still trying not to wake him, put it on, and left the room. The wooden floor creaked a little under her feet. She saw the clock; it was nine in the morning. Taylor walked a little further and came out into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator. There was cheese, bread, sausage, some orange juice, pomegranate juice, some lettuce and eggs. She closed it and walked on. The kitchen was clearly not the most used room. She opened several cabinets in search of coffee, and after a few minutes she found a brew and set out her coffee. She sat down on a high chair, similar to the ones in bars.The coffee was boiling and she poured it into a white cup labeled "enviable bachelor. "I wonder who gave him a mug with that on it?" She thought. She heard footsteps and saw Joe. He stood looking at her sleepily.
- Good morning-Taylor said.
- Good morning. You're up so early, weren't you sleeping? I would have loved to have slept, but the smell of coffee pulled me out of my dreams and brought me here.
- Would you like some coffee? I only made it for myself, but I think we can share.
- I think I'll eat dirt out of your hands-he smiled.
Taylor poured the coffee into two cups. They both sipped and Joe stepped closer to her. Taylor enjoyed looking at his body; he was only wearing boxers.
- I see my shirt fits you.
- Yes, it's a little wide in the shoulders, but I like it. Reminds me of you.
He moved closer to her and she kissed him. Joe leaned on her a little bit, so that she was leaning on the kitchen table. Taylor kissed him again and leaned back.
- Let's make breakfast, shall we?
- Whatever you say. I think I'll just put some clothes on.
- I like it this way.
- I'm glad you like it, but I'm freezing.
Taylor laughed, only he could say something stupid and make her laugh. He turned and went into the room, and she followed him.
- Watching the free striptease, Ms. Swift?-he said sarcastically.
- Yes, I'm enjoying it.
Joe turned to her, now dressed in gray pants and a short-sleeved sweatshirt.
- want to give you some of my pants? They're an elastic band.
- Yeah, come on, it's a little cold in here.
Joe rummaged through his stuff and handed Taylor some gray pants almost identical to his. She put them on.
- I admit I liked it better when you weren't wearing them, but I don't want you to be cold, so I'll have to be patient.
Taylor smiled back. Joe showed her the house, and then asked:
- I don't have much food. And not enough household chemicals and such. I want to go to the store, are you coming with me?
- I'd love to, but I guess not.
- Why not?
- I don't want anyone to see me. The constant camera flashes and the paparazzi screaming.
- I get it. They can't get to you here. Then is there anything you'd like me to buy? Some groceries or things
- Yes, I would like you to buy certain groceries. I'll write you a list.
- Done.
Taylor quickly wrote Joe a list on a small piece of paper while he changed his clothes. When he came out he was already dressed in jeans, high necked golf, he was putting on his raincoat when Taylor handed him the piece of paper. He put it in his pocket, took the car keys, pulled Taylor to him, kissed her, and said:
- I won't be long, don't be bored here without me- and left.
Taylor closed the door behind him, watched the car drive away, and sat down in the living room. Somewhere in the next room her ringtone played. She picked up the phone; it was Selena.
- hello friend!
- Selena!!! Hi!
- How are you? Are you at the studio?
- Well... - Taylor's a little bit confused.
- I'm taking a break from filming right now. Why don't we go out together?
- Yeah, I'd love to.
- Great! (Laughs) Tonight or tomorrow?
- Uh... Not one of those days.
- What's the problem, are you busy?
- No, I'm just in London.
- London?! When we talked to you the other day, you were in New York.
- Yeah...I know.
- So what are you doing there? Are you doing business there? Or you're just flying in.
- almost. Joe invited me.
- Who's Joe? And why did you go with him? Do I know him?
- No, you don't know him. He's... well, he's my boyfriend.
- Did I hear that right?! Boyfriend-Selena's freaking out.
- Yeah.
- For how long? Why didn't you tell me
- I haven't told anyone yet. We've just been dating less than a week.
- and you agreed to go to London with this guy? You don't know him at all.
- Well, yes and no. I dated him when we were sixteen, then I dumped him, and now I'm dating him again.
- Oh, come on. This is so unlike you.
- I know. Maybe it's just that I love him.
Selena was just stunned into silence. The girls talked some more and Selena passed out. Taylor got up and walked to the other room. She went into the room where Joe had a piano. She ran her hand over it and removed the lid. But she didn't play it, and walked a little farther into the room where the CDs and vinyl records were collected. She was pulling out and looking at some of them as her gaze fell on a very familiar disc of green. She carefully pulled it out. One of the first copies of the Taylor Swift CD of her debut album. She looked at the inscription in black marker on the booklet, "To the best guy in the world." She'd forgotten she'd signed it. Joe had kept it all along. "There must have been other women here, but he kept this CD," Taylor thought for some reason. She put the disk back with mixed feelings. She sat down at the piano and began to play a tune. The words came to mind. "But I must say you're gorgeous," Taylor hummed softly. Word by word, a piece of lyrics came out. Taylor heard the door open and Joe's voice say: "I'm home." She walked out to him. And there wasn't much of that boy Joe left in him; he was rougher, more confident, sterner. Joe carried the bags into the kitchen, and Taylor followed him in. He turned to her and smiled, and she smiled back.  They spent the day together, then Taylor baked some cookies. She and Joe sat in the kitchen drinking tea. Taylor watched as he enthusiastically diluted the tea with milk. A Brit, what can you take?
- It was delicious.
- Thank you.
Taylor rested her head on his shoulder. She ran her fingers along his neck and chest.
- I love you-Taylor said.
Joe looked at her, that was the first time she had ever said that to him.
- And I love you Taylor.

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